
A simple nodej/express/mongodb shopping-cart webapp. CI by Travis and live demo on Heroku.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Build Status

NodeStore - NodeJS/Express

Run Locally on Your Machine

You need Node, NPM and MongoDB properly installed.

Clone this repository

    git clone https://github.com/M-Doja/nodejs-shopping-cart.git

Setup the environment variables replacing with your mongodb port, usually is 27017.

    export MONGO_DB_URI=mongodb://localhost:<MONGODB-PORT>/shopping

Install dependencies

    npm install

With your mongod service running, this will populate shopping database

    node seed/product-seeder.js 

This will start dev server at http://localhost:3000 with Nodemon.

    npm run dev


    npm test



NodeJS, Express, MongoDB, Mongoose.


Handlebars and Bootstrap.