NOTE: This document is under development. Please check regularly for updates!
Mammal watching. Processing. Analysing.
Processing and analysing data gathered by mammal watching.
More information about the project can be found here: MWPA
This part of MWPA is for the end devices. The software synchronizes data, new data can be recorded (also offline) and transferred back to the MWPA.
The app is implemented with Flutter (Dart) and should support the following platforms:
- Android
Use Android Studio
Install Flutter:
- Install Dart SDK:
- Install Android Studio Flutter Plugin
- Set the Dart SDK in Android Studio: Settings -> Language & Frameworks -> Dart -> Dart SDK Path: /home/user/flutter/bin/cache/dart-sdk
Right Click to pubspec.yaml
- Flutter -> Flutter Pub Get
- Flutter -> Flutter Pub Upgrade
- Flutter -> Flutter Upgrade
Add for Debugger 2 Task:
- Edit Configuration main.dart
Add "Create Tool" with:
- Name: Flutter icon
- Group: External Tools
- Program: /home/user/flutter/bin/flutter
- Arguments: pub run flutter_launcher_icons:main
- Working directory: /home/user/*/mwpa-app
Add "Create Tool" with:
- Name: Flutter name
- Description: Flutter App Name
- Group: External Tools
- Program: /home/user/flutter/bin/flutter
- Arguments: pub run flutter_app_name
- Working directory: /home/user/*/mwpa-app
- Edit Configuration main.dart
Now you can work with the project!