
Minimalistic Discord.js ChatBot which clears the channel every hour.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A Minimalistic TextChannel Clearer For Discord

A Basic Discord bot designed to delete all messages in a TextChannel ever houry


How To Use

  1. Change AuthorisedRoles = ['AdminRole', 'ModeratorRole']; to your server roles authorised to use the bot
  2. Insert your DiscordBot token Client.login('token');
  3. Build and place in your desired folder
  4. Navigate to the folder in your console or command prompt
  5. Install the required packages inside package.json with npm install
  6. Start you app with node server.js or pm2 / forever to run 24/7

Chat Commands

  1. !StartWipe - Wipes and begins the 'on the hour' chat wipes.
  2. !StopWipe - Stops chat wipes.
  3. !UpTime - Shows the total time chat wipes have been running (DDHHmm)