
Primary LanguageHTML

Techsup Support Notes


To change a page to RTL, you need to change the dir attribute of the page to rtl and change the lang attribute to ar Then You can load the CSS Files in the same order as the src/views/resources/css-files.html file structure (review if conditions).


I used gulp JS plugin to load HTML templates into one file, so you will have some files imported in other files Start with src/index.html and review the structure of the files in the src/views folder. For other pages, please check the src/views/pages folder.


All used libraries are used with the CDN links, so you need to have an internet connection to load the libraries. Maybe you can download them on the client server instead of that, please review the src/views/resources/css-files.html and src/views/resources/js-files.html files.


If you want to edit something and then build the project again to test it, please follow the following steps:

  1. Install NodeJS from here
  2. Install GulpJS globally by running the following command in the terminal:
npm install -g gulp
  1. Install the project dependencies by running the following command in the terminal:
npm install
  1. Run the following command in the terminal to build the project:
gulp build_dev

| You can run set of other command by running gulp to see the available tasks


Mohamed Salah