
Minecraft Industria Mod für MC 1.20.1 [WIP]

Primary LanguageJava


This is a Multi Project Build. To get this Project working, the following steps must be executed:

  • Project "IndustriaCore"
  • run 'runClient' to start game in IDE (only core mod)
  • run 'shadowJar' to produce production jar
  • run 'publishToMavenLocal'
  • Project "Industria"
  • run 'shadowJar' to produce production jar
  • run 'runClient' to start game in IDE (with cotent mod)

NOTE: This mod is still under developement, currently an additonal Project 'LIBRARY-ElectronFlow' is required to build and run this. This Project must be downloaded and build ('publishToMavenLocal') first, before the core mod can be build.