A Dapp for tracking coffee's supply chain life cycle, from harvesting the beans by the farmer. To purchasing them by the consumer.
- The Activity Diagram shows the complete life cycle for the dapp
- The Class Diagram shows the complete code structor for the coffeeaccesscontrol contracts
- The Sequence Diagram shows the sequence for the functions in the SupplyChain contract
- The State Diagram shows the state for items in the supplychain & how they reflect in the SupplyChain contract
- The Event Hash shows the hash for each transaction ran for the contract on the rinkeby network
Truffle version: v4.1.14 (core: 4.1.14)
Solidity version: v0.4.24 (solc-js)
node version: v10.16.3
web3 version: ^1.2.6
- The main cotract is deployed on the rinkeby network under the following address: https://rinkeby.etherscan.io/address/0x5c211838de48fffeca8f0ec9aa3405c3452f2e6b
- this shows each event done on the rinkeby contract