
PyGram is a social network that developed with python.

Primary LanguagePython

PyGram Social Network

PyGram is a social network that developed with python. here are the main features of this project:

  1. Home Page
  2. Sign Up and Login (and account verification)
  3. User Profile (dashboard)
  4. Direct messages
  5. Chat with others
  6. Search users and pages
  7. Users single page
  8. Sharing new post and delete post
  9. Followers and Following pages
  10. Like and Comment on posts

Getting Started


    │   ├───__init__.py
    │   └───controller.py
    │   ├───__init__.py
    │   └───controller.py
    │   ├───__init__.py
    │   └───controller.py
    │   ├───__init__.py
    │   └───controller.py
    │   ├───__init__.py
    │   └───controller.py
    │   ├───__init__.py
    │   └───controller.py
    │   ├───__init__.py
    │   └───controller.py
    │   ├───Site-Screen
    │   ├───img
    │   ├───styles
    │   │    └───all of css files..
    │   └───upload
    │       ├───dir_of_user1
    │       ├───dir_of_user2
    │       └───dir_of_user3
    │   └───all of html files..


Modules Description
flask web framework
python-dotenv for read dotenv files
flask-sqlalchemy ORM
mysqlclient or pymysql mysql connector
flask-migrate database migration
flask-jwt-extended for Authorization (access and refreshh token)
flask-mail for sending email
redis we use this nosql database for saving users registration token
flask_whooshalchemy search engine


>> pip freeze


Endpoint Methods Rule
direct.chat GET /direct/chat/string:username
direct.direct_index GET /direct/string:username
direct.send_message POST /direct/send_message/string:username
follow.follow_index GET /follow/string:username
index GET /
login GET, POST /login/
post.comment POST /post/comment/string:username/string:date
post.delete_post GET /post/delete/string:username/string:date
post.like GET /post/like/string:username/string:date
post.new_post GET, POST /post/new/string:username
post.post_index GET /post/string:username
post.single_post GET /post/single/string:username/string:date
profile.logout GET /profile/logout/
profile.profile_index GET /profile/string:username
search.search GET /search/search/
setting.setting_index GET, POST /setting/string:username
signup GET, POST /signup/
signup_process GET /signup-process/
static GET /static/path:filename
user_page.follow_process GET /user_page/follow-process/string:username/
user_page.unfollow_process GET /user_page/unfollow-process/string:username/
user_page.user_page_index GET /user_page/string:username


  • mod_direct_message
  • mod_follow
  • mod_post
  • mod_profile
  • mod_search
  • mod_setting
  • mod_user_page


Database Models Diagram


Redis => [Key Value DataBse] your data have a key for example => mtaghizadeh_register : 12345 [mtaghizadeh_register is username and mode is register and token is 12345]

  1. in cmd(admin)
>>> redis-cli
>>> ping
>>> pong
  1. in services
  • install redis in python or venv
>>> pip install redis
  • add redis key in flask config (.env)
>> REDIS_SERVER_URL=redis:// # redis default port
  • import redis in app.py:
>> from redis import Redis
>> redis = Redis.from_url(app.config['REDIS_SERVER_URL'])
  • test in flask sell:
>>> from app import redis 
>>> redis.ping()
>>> True # if connection is ok.
  • redis add:
>> redis.set(key, value, expiry_date(s))
  • redis get value by key:
>> redis.get(name=key)
>>> GET mtaghizadeh_register # (in redis-cli)
  • redis delete:
>> redis.delete(key)


SQLAlchemy is the Python SQL toolkit and Object Relational Mapper that gives application developers the full power and flexibility of SQL.

It provides a full suite of well known enterprise-level persistence patterns, designed for efficient and high-performing database access, adapted into a simple and Pythonic domain language.

Documentation: https://www.sqlalchemy.org/

  • for using SqlAlchemy ORM in flask we should install extension of "flask-sqlalchemy"
>>> pip install flask-sqlalchemy
  • mysql-connector:
>>> pip install pymysql
>>> pip install mysql-client
  • create models in flask shell:
>>> from app import db
>>> create_all()
  • create models with flask-migration
>>> flask db init
>>> flask db migrate
>>> flask db upgrade or downgrade
  • create class as a entity(table) of database
class User(db.Model):
    __tablename__ = "users"

    name = Column(String(32), nullable = False)
    lastname = Column(String(32), nullable = False)
    email = Column(String(256), nullable = False)
    username = Column(String(64), primary_key = True)
    country = Column(String(32), nullable = False)
    password = Column(String(128), nullable = False)
    avatar = Column(String(256), nullable = False, default = "/static/upload/avatar.png")
    active = Column(Boolean, nullable = False, default = False)

    # One To Many:
    # list of posts for create a foreign key we use backreference to list of this mode(Parent) from another model 
    posts = relationship("Post", backref="user")
    # and other list for anothers classes
class Post(db.Model):
    __tablename__ = "posts"
    username = Column(String(64), ForeignKey('users.username'), primary_key = True) # Foreign Key is primary key of parent table
    caption = Column(Text(), nullable = True)
    picture = Column(String(256), nullable = False)
    post_date = Column(DateTime(), default = dt.datetime.utcnow, primary_key = True)
  • select * from table
user = User.query.all()
  • select from table where
user = User.query.filter_by(username="mtaghizadeh").first()
user = User.query.filter(User.username="mtaghizadeh").first()
  • delete from table where
post = Post.query.filter_by(username=username, post_date=date).first()
  • add or update table
# add user to database:
user = User()
user.name = name
user.lastname = lastname
user.email = email
user.username = username
user.country = country
user.password = password
  • Pagination in sql alchemy and sql or command
from sqlalchemy import or_ ### by default is and
q = request.args.get("q")
name_cnd = User.name.ilike(f'%{q}%')
lastname_cnd = User.lastname.ilike(f'%{q}%')
username_cnd = User.username.ilike(f'%{q}%')
### using or_ SQLAlchemy : by default is and
# before pagination
# found_users = User.query.filter(or_(
#     name_cnd,
#     lastname_cnd,
#     username_cnd
# )).all()
# pagination
p = request.args.get("p", default=1, type=int)
found_users = User.query.filter(or_(
)).paginate(p, 5)
  • join in tables
# Join Follow and post for get post of followers of this user 
following_cnd = Follow.query.filter_by(follower_username = username).all()
query = db.session.query(
    Follow.follower_username == user.username
    Follow.following_username == Post.username


for simple altering in database (tracking all of database changes) :)))

>> pip install flask-migrate 
>> flask db init ---> create migration folder (just in starting project)
# then by default create migration directory of your project and create alembic table in your database

if you have any change in your model:

>>> flask db migrate # alter your db if you change it...
>> flask db upgrade  # commit the changes(upgrade)
>> flask db downgrade


Index Page

home page of site that contains login and signup functionality Database Models Diagram

Signup Page

User can register in this page Database Models Diagram

  • signup process completed

Database Models Diagram

  • user active filed in database is Flase(0) before activation

Database Models Diagram

  • we create random token between [00000 , 99999] and save that in redis database

Database Models Diagram

Database Models Diagram

  • after activtivation we delete token from redis database

Database Models Diagram

  • after activtivation we create directory(with user.username) for upload user avatr and post.pictures

Database Models Diagram


user can login to pygram

  • user should be activate

Database Models Diagram

Setting Page

user can change profile picture in this page

  • user can upload any image for changing profile avatar

Database Models Diagram

User Posts Page

user can share new post in this page and see all of posts published nad manage that (delete or modify)

  • in first time this page like this

Database Models Diagram

  • after sharing posts

Database Models Diagram

  • user can sharing post with picture and caption

Database Models Diagram

  • user can choose any image from his computeer

Database Models Diagram

  • after sharing post, upload post picture in user directory in server and path of file save in database (Post Table)
  • any file upload in sever with random name from uuid library Database Models Diagram

Search Page

user can search any user in this page

  • we paginate all result with SQLAlchemy paginate() method

Database Models Diagram

Single User Page

  • after searching user or click on user page link user can see page of single user

Database Models Diagram

  • user can follow or unfollow and send direct message to single user

Database Models Diagram

Single User Post

  • all of information of this single post
  • user can like and comment this post

Database Models Diagram

Follower and Following Page

  • in this page user can see all of his followers and following
  • user can click any user and redirect to single user page

Database Models Diagram

Single Direct Message Page(Chat Page)

  • user can send message to another user and see message order by sending date

Database Models Diagram

User Profile Page

  • in this page user can see all of posts that sharing with his following
  • user can like that and can send comment to this post

Database Models Diagram