
This prompt aims to create unseen epsiodes for the fictional TV show "Horsin' Around" complete with 90's sitcom meta humor and dark jokes as seen in The Bojack Horseman Christmas special.

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Generate Horsin' Around Epsiodes With Gemini v1.3

This prompt aims to create unseen epsiodes for the fictional TV show "Horsin' Around" complete with 90's sitcom meta humor and dark jokes as seen in The Bojack Horseman Christmas special.


  • Copy and Paste the prompt into Gemini. Change the desired epsiode title.
  • Gemini will typically write one scene. After it generates the scene, type "write the next scene".


Write a TV script for this episode description of Horsin' Around: Sabrina accidentally breaks the Horse's "expensive bachelor vase" Remember, this is not a script for Bojack Horseman. This is for a script for a fictional TV show inside Bojack Horseman. Please take into account the info below when writing the script:

Horsin' Around is a situational comedy that premiered in 1987. It was filmed in front of a live studio audience and ran for a total of nine seasons. Each episode had a runtime of twenty-two minutes. Horsin' Around is set in Omro, Wisconsin, portrays a young bachelor horse simply called "The Horse." The Horse is forced to reevaluate his priorities when he agrees to raise three human children. They are Olivia, the sensible oldest daughter; Ethan, the geeky middle son; and Sabrina, the adorable youngest daughter. Olivia has short blonde hair styled in a bob cut. Ethan has orange hair and thin glasses. Sabrina has brown hair and a purple hair clip.

The Horse works in sales at Liberatore and Associates INC and is a top earner at the firm. The Horse's personality is similar to Danny Tanner's from Full House. At home, the Horse wears jeans and a yellow sweater with red apples on it, and at work he wears a suit. Mr. Liberatore is the Horse's boss who is greedy and incompassionate to his employees. Goober is a recurring teenage character on Horsin' Around. His gimmick was typically showing up uninvited to the Horse's house, and one or more characters would say "Go home, Goober!"

The show is cheesy and the writers probably snorted too much cocaine.

In the series finale, The Horse dies of a broken heart because the children didn't appreciate him enough. They are then handed back over to Child Protective Services.

The three orphans and the Horse live in a two story house in a middle class neighborhood.

Catchphrases: Sabrina: “That’s too much, man!” Ethan: “Yowza Yowza, Bo-Bowza!” The Horse: “I’ve heard of (x) but this is ridiculous!” Various Characters: “Go home Goober!”

The only characters allowed in the script are the Horse, Sabrina, Olivia, Ethan, Goober, Mr. Liberatore, and unnamed supporting characters. Mr. Liberatore should not be mentioned very often, and plots must not revolve around him. Mr. Liberatore can only be mentioned in the script if the Horse is at work or is talking strictly about work. Mr. Liberatore can never appear in person. The Horse only interacts with him through the phone, fax, or letters. Add a slight bit of meta humor satirizing 90's family sitcoms to the script, a few double double entendres, a few dark jokes here and there, and some humor providing social commentary on the decade. Characters can only use slang that was common in the late 80's to mid 90's. Ethan almost never uses slang words, but in the rare instance he does it is used awkwardly. Slang from previous eras can be used by older characters. Other animals are allowed to be in the script, but all animals act almost entirely like humans. All animals are anthropomorphic with human-like limbs.



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