Installation instructions.

1- install the package using the following snippet at your composer.json

   "name": "mohamedreda/authorizable",
   "type": "vcs",
   "url" : ""

2- run the following command php artisan vendor:publish --tag="authorizable"

this will publish the seeder and the migration file to get you started.

3- extend the user model at your user model.

use MohamedReda\Authorizable\Models\User as Authorizable;
class User extends Authorizable

or you can directly import the trait and use it at your own user model.

use MohamedReda\Authorizable\Traits\Authorizable;

don't forget to typecast the permissions to array.

protected $casts = ['permissions' => 'array'];

The authorizable trait is there to handle the authorization process for artify commands , but feel free to use it for your own purposes. It contains of a few methods that"s really helpful for you to handle authorization anywhere within your application. Let"s dive into the Methods there.

The Trait supports checking roles within your roles table and the users table ( secondary permissions to be assigned for users )

Authorization Methods.

1.0 hasRole Method

This method accepts only one argument and it should be string, the string should match a role name within your permissions column either on users table or roles table.

$user = \App\User::first();

dd($user->hasRole("create-post")); // if the current logged in user has the ability to "create-post", it will return true

The method is going to search for the permission associated with the user either on roles table or users table.

2.0 hasAnyRole Method

I think you"ve guessed what"s going on here, It searches for all of the roles you pass and returns true on the first role that a user may have

  dd($user->hasAnyRole(["create-post","foo-bar","approve-post"])); // returns true/false;
3.0 hasAllRole Method

This method accepts one argument, it should be an array containing of the permissions you are checking for.

This method checks on all the roles passed, whether the user has them all or not.
  dd($user->hasAllRole(["foo-bar","upgrade-user"])); // returns true/false;
3.0 inRole Method

This method checks if the user"s rank is typically equal to the passed argument.

- Slug that represents your permissions in role table. - returns boolean
 dd($user->inRole("admin"); // This slug exists within the seeder

Permissions Handling Methods.

The permissions are assigned to the current user you are working on only. i.e you can retrieve the user by finding him/her or get the authenticated user then handle his/her permisisons.

1.0 Add Permission

This method accepts two arguments which are the permissions and boolean value.

- Permissions can be either string or array. - boolean value represents the ability of the user to do mentioned permission. - returns boolean.
   $user->addPermission("create-custom-post"); // second parameter is set to true by default, so the added permission is available for this user.
   $user->addPermission("create-something",false) // the user isn\'t allowed to "create-something" now.
   $user->addPermission(["create-something" => true , "can-push-code" => false]) 
   /* you don\'t need the second parameter now as the key and value of this array is going to be in charge of handling the permissions. */

2.0 Update Permission

This method accepts three arguments

- Permission , should be a string. - boolean value represents the ability of the user to do mentioned permission. - boolean value , represents creating the permission if it doesn't exist. - returns boolean.
 $user->updatePermission("create-post"); // this will update the permission to set it to true.
 $user->updatePermission("create-post",false); // this will update the permission to set it to false
 $user->updatePermission("foo-bar",false,true); // this will create the permission if it doesn\'t exist and set it to false.

3.0 Remove Permission

This method accepts one argument only representing the permission

- n of permissions can be passed a separate parameter.
  • returns boolean

If the permission isn't set, an exception is thrown.

  $user->removePermission("create-post"); // returns boolean
  $user->removePermission("create-post","delete-post","whatever-role",...); // returns boolean