
Introduction to Functional Programming course assignments

Primary LanguageRacket


Introduction to Functional Programming course assignments with my partner Matan Nagar .. In this course we learn and practice more with Functional Programming Paradigm

Assignment 1 — F-Numerals

Grade 95

The main porpuse of tis assignment is to be more familiar with Lambda-Calculus (λ-Calculus)

F-numerals is a perverse variation of Church Numerals (Alonzo Church), in this version the Numerals defined as:

f0:= λaλbλc.c

f1:= λaλbλc.(a(a(b c)))

fn:= λaλbλc.(a(a(b ..n-times.. c)))


We were required in this assignment to implement the basic functions on this numerals, defined and implemented as a pure combinator in the λ-calculusand should make no use of anything other than lambda-expressions and their applications, like:

  • f->integer
  • integer->f
  • Successor
  • Double
  • Triple
  • Plus
  • Multiply
  • Power
  • Show: that returns the concrete syntax for the source-code of the numeral