jFitbit is an unofficial Java Fitbit client. While Fitbit provides an API for fetching daily totals, intraday resolution data is unavailable. However, the XML served for building the Flash-based graphs on the Fitbit.com site provides the interface to your data used in this client.
This client currently supports fetching the following data at an intraday resolution:
- Activity score on a 5-minute interval
- Floor count on a 5-minute interval (if device supported)
- Sleep level on a 1-minute interval
- Step count on a 5-minute interval
And the following are also available at a daily resolution:
- Activity level
- Activity score
- Calories consumed
- Floor count
- Step count
##Example Usage
Fitbit fb = new Fitbit( "fitbit-email", "fitbit-password" );
FitbitQuery fbQuery = FitbitQuery.create( )
.minimumTimestamp( startDate )
.maximumTimestamp( endDate )
.resolution( FitbitResolution.INTRADAY );
for ( StepCount al : fb.stepCount( fbQuery ) )
System.out.println( al.getTimestampAsDate( ) + " " + al.getSteps( ) );
- Apache HttpClient 4.2.1 (Note: 4.2 release has a problematic bug, be sure to get 4.2.1)
- cg-jcommons
Source is hosted at the jFitbit GitHub repository. Downloads are also available on the [GitHub project's Downloads section] (https://github.com/claygregory/jfitbit/downloads)