EECS/CSE 31L Midterm Project — 32bits Enhanced ALU



git clone

Then open the 32bits_Enhanced_ALU.xpr in Vivado :)

ALU Description

Op-Code Micro-Operation Description
0000 A + B Addition
0001 A + B + 1 Subtraction
0010 A + 1 Increment
0011 A - 1 Decrement
0100 A Move
0101 shl 1-bit logical shift left of A
0110 SIMD A + B Four 8-bits Add
0111 A & B Bitwise AND
1000 A | B Bitwise OR
1001 A ⊕ B Bitwise XOR
1010 ¬A (A') Complement
1010 A + 1 2's Complement


  • Carry Flag: Only in ADD operation is set when you have carry out on Left-most bit (MSB)
  • Overflow Flag: Only in ADD or SUB operations is set when addition of two positive numbers results in negative number or vice-versa.
  • Sign Flag: Only in ADD or SUB operations is set when the output is a negative number.
  • Zero Flag: Is set when the output is zero.