
sales analysis project using PySpark provides valuable insights into customer behavior, sales trends, and product performance. These insights can inform strategic decision-making to enhance customer satisfaction, optimize marketing efforts, and improve overall business performance

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook



This project is designed to uncover valuable insights into sales trends, customer behavior, and product performance.


The analysis makes use of two primary datasets:

  1. Sales Transaction Dataset:

    • Contains detailed information about each sales transaction.
    • Includes customer ID, product ID, quantity purchased, transaction date, and total amount spent.
  2. Product Information Dataset:

    • Includes product category, product description, and product price.


The analysis is structured around key aspects of the business:

Customer Spending

  • Total Amount Spent by Customer: Analyzes the total amount spent by each customer to identify high-value customers.

  • Frequency of Customer Visiting Restaurant: Examines the frequency of customer visits to understand customer loyalty patterns.

Sales Trends

  • Total Amount Spent by Each Food Category: Categorizes sales based on food categories to identify popular and less popular items.

  • Total Amount of Sales in Each Month: Analyzes monthly sales trends to identify seasonal patterns and peak sales periods.

  • Yearly Sales: Investigates annual sales trends to assess year-over-year growth and identify growth opportunities.

Product Performance

  • How Many Times Each Product Purchased: Determines the popularity of each product based on purchase frequency.

Geographical Analysis

  • Total Sales By Each Country: Analyzes sales distribution across different countries to identify key markets.

Order Source Analysis

  • Total Sales by Order Source: Examines sales trends based on order sources (online, in-store, mobile app) to optimize marketing strategies.


Visualize the key insights obtained from the analysis questions on the Sales Analysis Dashboard.

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