
Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Follow these steps

Open terminal application (Xming for Windows/XQuartz for MacOS) Log on to mininet using the command

    ssh -Y mininet@hostIPAddress

Then clean up mininet to clean state

    sudo mn -c

Execute simple script to create single switch topology with 3 hosts
set ip for h1, h2, h3 to,, respectively

    sudo python init.py

After this above line, it goes into mininet CLI

Open terminals for each host

    xterm h1 h3 h2

Open server in h1

    python server.py 

Open renderer in h3

    python renderer.py 


Order matters. Make sure server.py runs first, then renderer.py second.

Now commands can be sent from the controller window to perform operations Commands you can send:
1: request list of available files to stream
2: play file. -f filename should be provided. Otherwise, default file is sample.txt
3: stop streaming
4: resume streaming
5: start from beginning

Format for command:

    python controller.py -c <command> [-f filename]

Below are examples of commands you can send using controller

    python controller.py -c 1
    python controller.py -c 2 -f alice_in_wonderland.txt