go-iap verifies the purchase receipt via AppStore or GooglePlayStore.
Current API Documents:
This repository is forked from dogenzaka/go-iap
- supports iOS6 Style receipt
- some api for iap receipts
go get github.com/parnurzeal/gorequest
go get golang.org/x/net/context
go get golang.org/x/oauth2
go get google.golang.org/api/androidpublisher/v3
go get github.com/evalphobia/go-iap/appstore
go get github.com/evalphobia/go-iap/playstore
func buy() {
client := appstore.NewWithConfig(appstore.Config{
TimeOut: 30 * time.Second,
IsProduction: true,
Retry: true, // retry when HTTP error status
Debug: false, // show HTTP request
// call apple store api to check receipt
resp, err := client.Verify(appstore.IAPRequest{
ReceiptData: `<your receipt data encoded by base64>`,
Password: `<your app's shared secret (a hexadecimal string).>`,
switch {
case err != nil:
log.Errof("error occured on api call: %s", err.Error())
case !resp.IsValidReceipt():
log.Errof("invalid receipt status: %d", resp.Status)
case resp.BundleID != "<my app bundle id>":
log.Errof("invalid bundle id: %s", resp.BundleID)
// check new receipt or not
productID := `<prodct id>`
transactionIDs := resp.GetTransactionIDsByProduct(productID)
transactionIDs = filterNeverUsedTransactionIDs(transactionIDs) // check if already used one or not by your own logic
if len(transactionIDs) == 0 {
log.Errof("all of trnasaction id already used")
var inApp *appstore.ReceiptInApp
switch {
case resp.IsAutoRenewable():
// for auto-renew: last expires
inApp = resp.GetLastExpiresByProductID(productID)
// for consume: first element
inApp = resp.GetByTransactionID(transactionIDs[0])
// unknown error
if inApp == nil {
log.Errof("cannot find valid in_app data by unknown error")
// save iap data of valid receipt...
// check receipt
func buy() {
// You need to prepare a public key for your Android app's in app billing
// at https://console.developers.google.com.
client := playstore.NewWithParams(`developer's private key data`, `developer's email`)
resp, err := client.Verify(`<package name>`, `<subscriptionID>`, `<purchaseToken>`)
switch {
case err != nil:
log.Errof("error occured on api call: %s", err.Error())
case !resp.IsValidReceipt():
log.Errof("purchase state is invalid")
case resp.IsExpired():
log.Errof("subscription date is expired")
// save iab data of valid receipt...
switch {
case resp.IsValidProduct():
// for consumed item
case resp.IsValidSubscription():
// for subscription item
// autoRenew := resp.AutoRenewing
// expires := resp.ExpiryTimeMillis
// cancel subscription
func cancel() {
client := playstore.NewWithParams(`developer's private key data`, `developer's email`)
// check currenct status
resp, err := client.Verify(`<package name>`, `<subscriptionID>`, `<purchaseToken>`)
switch {
case err != nil:
log.Errof("error occured on verify api call: %s", err.Error())
case !resp.IsActive():
// already cancelled
// execute cancel operation
err = client.CancelSubscription(`<package name>`, `<subscriptionID>`, `<purchaseToken>`)
if err != nil {
log.Errof("error occured on cancel api call: %s", err.Error())
// confirm cancel status
resp, err = client.Verify(`<package name>`, `<subscriptionID>`, `<purchaseToken>`)
switch {
case err != nil:
log.Errof("error occured on verify api call: %s", err.Error())
case !resp.IsValidSubscription():
log.Errof("purchase state is invalid on cancel")
case resp.IsActive():
log.Errof("subscription is still active")
// successfully cancelled
This validator supports the receipt type for both iOS6 style or newer style.
This validator uses Version 3 API.
go-iap is licensed under the MIT.