- 4
Microphone-speaker "problem"
#14 opened by sp5wwp - 5
Volume potentiometer
#22 opened by sp5wwp - 11
Add a rotary encoder with a push button
#23 opened by sp5wwp - 0
Roadmap (or todo list)
#3 opened - 1
Missing DFU mode
#19 opened by sp5wwp - 1
Add testpoints here and there
#29 opened by sp5wwp - 1
PCB stackup
#13 opened by sp5wwp - 4
Separate boards
#31 opened by sp5wwp - 0
Add VDD to J6. J2 needs GND
#33 opened by sp5wwp - 1
Additional PTT buttons
#24 opened by JKI757 - 1
- 3
- 2
- 1
Lacking R_EXT for the 8 MHz crystal oscillator
#20 opened by sp5wwp - 1
Remove U2 and parts around it
#21 opened by sp5wwp - 1
Probably an incorrect SD card holder footprint
#17 opened by sp5wwp - 0
Unconnected SWD header
#18 opened by sp5wwp - 1
SD card or flash memory
#10 opened by sp5wwp - 1
H* mounting holes
#12 opened by sp5wwp - 0
EXT_XOSC pin isn't tied to ground
#7 opened by sp5wwp - 4
Consider SDR Like design?
#1 opened