- essentialmode
- es_extended
- esx_addonaccount
- esx_menu_default
- esx_identity (jsfour-register works too as it is basically the same thing)
- esx_society
- esx_phone (gcphone works too as it is basically the same thing)
- I will recommend you to check if your esx_menu_default & ShowNotification (in es_extended) function supports emojis and diacritics.
- If you want to change emojis or remove them, go to client.lua and basically remove them from labels.
- Locale defines language to use.
Config.Locale = 'en'
- MenuButton defines which button will be used to open menu. If you want the menu to be opened by command then set this variable as 'none' (Command to open is /pmenu)
Config.MenuButton = 'F3'
- Align defines position of esx_menu_default to appear at.
Config.Align = 'center'
- RedColor defines color in hexcode that is used for red columns in esx_menu.
Config.RedColor = '#ff5e5e'
- Player Menu (RP Info etc.. (If player's job grade is boss or manager, player can press enter on his job element in order to see society account))
- Car Menu (Doors, liveries, extras, engine etc.. (and hood + trunk <- Usable only when player is outside the vehicle))
- Simple configuration for server owners!
- Czech and English translation at the moment.
- Car Menu
- Information Menu
You can edit this script as much as you want. Don't re-publish or sell this script. Thank you.