AROMA Recovery - Android File Manager based Recovery.
Author: M1cha
amarullz: for the nice AROMA UI library and the Filemanager I'm using as base for this project.
Phil: for several contributions to AROMA Filemanager
koush: for the code I've used from his CWM Recovery

* Programming Language
  It was application which runs on Android device but not on Android OS 
  Environment that the native applications usually use Java.
  AROMA Installer use C (Pure C, not C++), so it may run on another
  platform like x86 with small modifications ofcourse.

* Used Libraries
  ZLIB - ofcourse, it was the most awesome thing in computer world 
  PNG, MinZIP, Freetype.
  All library need to compiled as static to make sure it runs
  without any dependency issue in any devices.