
Tool to pick who buys beer, who makes a brew etc

Primary LanguagePHP

PHPUK19 Nexmo Hackathon

Setup - Nexmo

  • Register for Nexmo
  • Find your API keys at https://dashboard.nexmo.com/settings
  • Install Nexmo CLI: npm install nexmo-cli -g
  • Run nexmo setup <api_key> <api_secret>
  • Find a number to register with nexmo number:search GB --sms
  • Buy that number with nexmo number:buy xxxxxx with the number you want
  • Link it to your callback with nexmo link:sms xxxxx http://your-domain/webhooks/inbound-sms

Setup - PHP

  • Run cp config.sample.php config.php
  • Fill in your API keys
  • Run composer install -o
  • Deploy index.php, config.php, .htaccess and vendor to a server


Text your registered number with a message e.g.

Who should buy beer: john, paul, george, ringo

You should receive a return text e.g.

john should buy beer


Send a text in the above format to +447520632463