#Thermostat Interface


This project was coded during the first week of learning JavaScript and JQuery. Started April 13, 2015.

This is a pair-programming project with Andrea, built using JavaScript, JQuery, and HTML, and tested with Jasmine.

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This thermostat's web interface allows users to increase and decrease the temperaure. The thermostat has a Power Saving mode that is turned on by default. When the Power Saving mode is turned on, the maximum temperature that can be setis 25 degrees; if this mode is turned off, the maximum temperature is 32 degrees. The minimum temperature, regardless of Power Saving mode, is 10 degrees.

The web-interface is color-coded based on the set temperature.

The interface uses the Open Weather Map API to display the current London temperature.

To "use" this thermostat: clone this repo locally and open home.html in your browser. Enjoy!