Provable primes generator

A Rust implementation to generate provable primes using Maurer's Method.


This implementation is optimized for 1024-bit primes, using the "Simplified Version" (3.4). The branch montgomery-redc uses Montgomery Reduction to exponentiate modulo N faster; but with only 1024 bit this method is slightly slower.


that branch is slightly outdated


After cloning the repository, running cargo run --release measures the average execution time to generate a 1024-bit prime and outputs the duration of each generation in stats.tsv. If the maximum running time of each recursion is set, then a generation might fail (i.e. no prime was found after a certain amount of iterations) and the first column of stats.tsv contains an f (for fail). On success the first column is an s.

Adding the feature ignore-overflow silently wraps overflows; since this should not happen, this gives some speedup compared to the default overflow-checking.

By default this uses multithreading with rayon to speed up the search for prime numbers.