I am an experienced software developer with 4+ years of professional experience, complemented by 15 years of non-professional experience.
Vega ITNis, Serbia
M1z23R's Followers
- AlbasAlka
- AlexxdalTeoresi Group Spa
- AlphaCodeIn
- amydprojects
- andrenaves448São Paulo
- BarberoNiGovValenzuela City
- bskafwly
- deadland-king
- DefriHawk
- Fattcat
- FendiAlaFathan
- FoysalAhmmedSadin
- ft10101Central University Of Kashmir
- hellybrine
- hieuht2203
- ihamm21Indonesia
- J-tr3mExtr3me Corporation
- kalidd1312
- monkeyp0x
- Mushfiq009
- Mynamegupe
- neizumi16
- notoriouscode97Nis, Serbia
- OfficialCodeVoyageDenver, CO
- QGeor
- Rabbyislam21
- rahmathking49
- RjSdd
- Robertrabbit
- roycuadraSurigao Del Norte, Philippines
- surjadatta
- Tanakt300
- Zexhan5533
- zicer1987
- zyriabByteBakers