
Enmeshed Documentation Repository

Primary LanguageHTML


This is the source code of the Enmeshed Documentation hosted at nmshd.github.io.

Purpose of this documentation

This documentation is meant as an overarching documentation for the whole Enmeshed open source project. It describes overarching concepts whereas the individual repositories provide technical documentation for the respective source code or functionality.

Documentation guidelines

  • So far, English only
  • Keep it simple
  • Think about the audience

Contribute to the documentation

The documentation itself uses GitHub pages and thus jekyll as the technical framework.
The preferred way of setting up a local "instance" of the environment is via a so-called "Development Container" in VS Code:

VSCode JavaScript


Then in VS Code, clone the repository with the command Remote-Containers: Clone Repository in Container Volume...

This will

  • Clone the Repository in a Container Volume
  • Build the Docker Image
  • Start the Docker Container and map the required ports
  • Mount the created Container Volume
  • Install the required npm packages
  • Install the required ruby gems

Finally, open the Terminal in VS Code (it is attached to the running Development Container), and start the "instance":

bundle exec jekyll serve --livereload

Alternatively, you can use the predefined VS Code Tasks

  • Serve → see above
  • Build → build the jekyll site

update dependencies

You can update dependencies using the command bundle update.

regenerate diagrams


java -jar puml.jar _docs_integrate/diagrams/*.pu -o "$PWD/assets/diagrams/integrate"