
Pokemon Go Friend Maker

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Pokemon Go Friend Maker

Make new friends in Pokemon Go faster than ever! I added 130 friends in the last 2 hours.

How it works

This tool consists of a number of scripts, the most important one is called make-friends. What make-friends does it to read Pokemon Go Trainer Codes from a file named new.txt. For each code it finds in the file it will first check to see if it appears in the file did.txt. If it appears in did.txt then that means it's a duplicate, and it gets ignored. If it doesn't appear in did.txt then it's a new friend code you haven't seen before, so make-friends will show you the QR code for that friend code. All you have to do is to open Pokemon Go on your phone, go to Add Friend, click on the QR Code tab, then point your camera at the QR code on the screen. Once it has detected the code it'll tell you what happpened. Once that's done you just hit any key (except for ctrl-C, which tells make-friends to quit) and the QR for the next friend code in the list will be displayed.

Then you just keep repeating that:

  • Add Friend
  • QR Code
  • Point camera at code
  • Hit any key... repeat until you run out of codes or get tired.

Where to find Trainer Codes

You could just ask people for trainer codes and add them to the new.txt file, but there is an easier way! In this directory you will also find some scripts that have names starting with scan-, these look in different places on the internet where you might find recently posted Trainer Codes and adds any that it finds to your new.txt file automatically.

Scanners currently available include:

  • scan-reddit - Finds recent posts to the PokemonGoFriends subreddit and scans any that have the Gifts & EXP grind flair attached.
  • scan-twitter - This launches a web browser (Safari by default, but you can edit the file to change it to Firefox or Chromium) and searches Twitter for recent posts that include pokemon go trainer code, which finds codes from people who have recently tweeted the invite message from within the game. By default it will find the 50 most recent matching messages, but you can change that by editing the configuration at the top of the file.
  • scan-files - This doesn't actually get trainer codes for you, but if you have a text file that contains some trainer codes, or you know enough about scripting or programming to get trainer codes from some other location you know about, you can use this to extract the codes from those files. Either run it and give it filenames as arguments, or you can pipe text to it on stdin. For example, if you wanted to get some codes from a website that displayed them in an HTML list, could do something like this:
curl -L https://www.some-trainer-codes.example/ | grep '<li>' | ./scan-files


In order to use this, you need NodeJS installed on your computer. You'll also need git, and some idea how to use command-line tools.

Once you have those requirements met, all you need to do is:

git clone https://github.com/jasonk/pogo-friends
cd pogo-friends
npm install

Then you can run any of the scanners you want to run:


Once you have collected some trainer codes, you can start adding them in Pokemon Go:


Note: while this should work on Windows, it hasn't been tested there as I don't have any Windows machines to try it with. If running any of the scripts directly doesn't work, you can try running them with node:

node ./scan-twitter
node ./scan-reddit
node ./make-friends

Other Stuff

  • cleanup - This simple script just reads in your new.txt file, removes any codes that are already in the did.txt file and then writes it back out. It's helpful if you want to know how many new codes you have in order to determine if you are going to try and find some more. You don't need to run cleanup before you run make-friends though, because make-friends will skip the duplicates anyway.