
Playing around with a worker queue and results storage in NATS

Primary LanguageRust

docker run -p 4222:4222 -d --name nats-server nats:latest -js
  • Create "schema"
cargo run -- schema --server localhost:4222
  • Run a worker
cargo run -- worker --server localhost:4222
  • Queue a few jobs
cargo run -- queue --server localhost:4222 1 1
cargo run -- queue --server localhost:4222 2 2
cargo run -- queue --server localhost:4222 2 3
cargo run -- queue --server localhost:4222 3 4
  • List results
cargo run -- ls --server localhost:4222
  • Detailed history
cargo run -- history --server localhost:4222 2

I used postcard because I wanted to try it out. JSON would work just as well...