
Lab work for Vault on K8S

Primary LanguageShell

Lab: Vault on K8S using an init container


This will take a while. I've done some of the work for you, to get you started, but there's a long way to go and a lot of stuff to understand. We will cover more of the theory behind this lab next week.

What will we do?

  1. Install vault in K3D
  2. Configure vault 2.1 Create an SA and a ClusterResourceBinding 2.2 Enable and configure k8s auth method 2.4 Create a policy for reading a secret and create a secret 2.5 Create a role bound to the SA 2.6 Verify that there is connectivity, etc.
  3. Configure an init container to provide secrets to your app
  4. Finally, run a sample app (nginx) and pass a secret into it

What you will learn

  1. How to install vault in K8S
  2. How to configure a basic policy and bind it to a role and service-account
  3. How to configure an init-container
  4. How to use that init-container to provide secrets to your app
  5. Some cool stuff about using colours in your bash output :)

How to get started

The makefile will create your cluster, conigure helm repos, etc. just like the previous labs. It will also install consul and vault. You shoud read how it does that, and look at the helm values files. Once that is run, you should open a terminal and change to the platform/vault directory which is where the real fun starts. You can run the config.sh file you find there and it'll do most of the work for you, but getting it running isn't the only aim of the lab -- the main aim is to work out for yourself what its doing, how, and why.


There are some extra directories that we're not using (yet), like the app/corpora directory. You can ignore these (though it might give you some light relief to play with it).


If you get through all of that then you can extend this by removing the code that configures and uses the init container from the config script and replacing it with code that uses a sidecar to do the same thing, only better.

The subtitle above is a link to the docs. The docs above the anchor I've linked to aren't important.