Gopher Evilginx Dot Botguard Yao Ming Face

evilginx.botguard 2: JavaScript Boogaloo


The Sequel Nobody Asked For, But Desperately Needed

Remember the good ol' days when you could snag user credentials with a simple MITM phishing tool? When Google's anti-bot systems were more like a polite suggestion than a digital fortress? Yeah, those days are gone. Welcome to the wild world of JavaScript-fueled login paranoia.

But fear not, my fellow phishing enthusiasts! While we can't turn back the clock, we can shimmy our way back into Google's inner circle with... evilginx.botguard 2!

Features (If You Can Call Them That)

  • Headless Browser Wrangling: We'll dance the delicate tango with headless browsers to coax out those precious, legitimate botguard tokens. It's like teaching an elephant to waltz; awkward, occasionally destructive, but strangely effective.
  • Token Swapping Shenanigans: Think of it as the ultimate sleight of hand. We'll ditch those bogus tokens and slip in the real deal, all while whispering sweet nothings to Google's JavaScript overlords.
  • Error Messages Galore: Get ready for a symphony of cryptic JavaScript errors! It's the soundtrack of our struggle, a testament to the absurdity of modern web security.
  • AST Parsing Mischief: Buckle up for some tree-climbing adventures, folks! We're dissecting JavaScript code with the precision of a surgeon to pinpoint exactly where those pesky location calls try to hide.
  • JavaScript Global Property Hijinks: We're going full-on Succession-style puppet masters with JavaScript's global properties (and with of course our Monkey Wrench). Think mind control for browser variables, bending them to our will and defying expectations.


  • May induce spontaneous outbursts of laughter, existential despair, or a potent combination of both.
  • Success rates are directly proportional to Google's ever-changing whims. It's like playing whack-a-mole with a constantly morphing mole.
  • Not for the faint of heart or those allergic to convoluted JavaScript workarounds.

Let the JavaScript Boogaloo begin!

...Instructions on how to actually make this monstrosity work are pending.