
The assignments from Stanford Natural Language Processing Course on Coursera, started Jan 2016, Finished Jan 2016

Primary LanguageJava

Natural Language Processing

Assignment from Stanford NLP on Coursera By Yichen Gong

Current Progress

HW Status Task
HW1 Complete Implemented Regular Expression to filter all phone number and email address
HW2 Complete Implemented Laplace Unigram / Bigram, Stupid Backoff, Kneser-Ney Smoothing language model to complete the Autocorrect task, reached expected 25% accuracy
HW3 Complete Implemented Naive Bayes Algorithm to predict the sentiment of movie reviews, reached expected 80% accuracy
HW4 Partially Complete Implemented Boolean Naive Bayes and Sentiment Lexicon to predict movie review sentiments
HW5 Complete Extracted the features from names, implemented the Word shape generalization. Reached the expected f1 score: 0.85
HW6 Complete Implemented the Propabilitic Context Free Grammar features. Expected Perplexity lower than 400, achieved 368
HW7 lose points Implemented the CKY algorithm, and implemented the vertical markovization
HW8 Complete Implemented the Inverted Index, Boolean Retrieval system, TF-IDF scoring and Cosine Similarity algorithm. Pass all tests.

######Contact me: yg1053@nyu.edu