
My new setup dotfiles for Artix Linux.

Primary LanguageShell

Dotfile v2.0 - M4RC0Sx

My new setup dotfiles for Artix Linux.


System Features


  1. Install GNU Stow tool on your system;

    • Arch Linux: $ sudo pacman -S stow
    • Ubuntu/Debian: $ sudo apt-get install stow
  2. Clone this repository wherever you want:

    $ git clone https://github.com/M4RC0Sx/dotfiles-v2.git
  3. Get into the cloned repository:

    $ cd dotfiles-v2
  4. Execute the installation script, which will stow all the configuration setup in your $HOME directory.

    $ ./install.sh

    In case the script does not have execution permissions:

    $ sudo chmod +x install.sh
  5. Remember to search for /home/marcos/ and change it to your home directory in case there are cases. (My idea is to make it work on any home without changing anything).

Scripts List

  • battery-monitor.sh: Meant to be run on crontab every 1 minute. It controls de battery status and sends dunst notifications if it is low.
  • feh-bg.sh: Simple script to set desktop wallpaper at startup with feh. It gets executed when bspwm starts (bspwmrc).

Custom bin Programs List (~/.local/bin):

  • instant-screenshot: Takes an instant screenshot of the entire screen, saving it into ~/Images/Screenshot, with a name based on the date.
  • interactive-screenshot: Launches gnome-screenshot GUI.
  • monitor-setup: Setup polybar and bspwm for your currently connected monitors.


  • Manage dotfiles via stow.
  • Add VSCode extensions list to the repository.
  • Add packages list to the repository.
  • Configure polybar.
  • Make a monitor switching script.
  • Make a screnshot system script.
  • More customization on kitty and its keybindings.
  • Remove all /home/marcos/.
  • Add X11 files.
  • Add crontab files.
  • Add /etc/profile.d/jre.sh.
  • Add IntellijIDEA settings.
  • Add wallpapers.
  • Make a random wallpaper script.
  • Add images to readme.


  • Luke Smith - I knew about Artix because of one of his videos.

  • S4vitar - Some useful zsh scripts and settings, compton and bspwm aspects.

  • Antonio Sarosi - All Neovim config and plugins based on his setup.

  • mklan - Some polybar stuff and useful scripts.