
🌟 APTMe Backend Source Code - APT Repository Viewer in the Browser

Primary LanguageHTML


This repository is the the entire application for https://aptme.io.

Copyright Disclaimer: Stating this now so you can't say you didn't see it! You are *NOT under ANY circumstances allowed to take this code and rehost it on your own server. You are to only use this code for learning purposes or contributing to APTMe itself. If I find you have re-hosted a fork of this repository, I will DMCA your site so fast you can't even take it down. DON'T BE A PRICK. MAKE A PR.

What is APTMe?

APTMe is a web based repository viewer. At the moment it works with free, basic setup, Cydia/Sileo repos. Coming soon will be all Debian/APT repositories + paid repos (Dynastic, Packix, etc.).

Advanced Features of APTMe:

  • Repo Caching

  • Leaderboard of Most Viewed Repositories

  • Fast API

  • Public API with Helpful Functionality

Getting Started

To start simply install all the requirements in a virtualenv and use flask run to run the webserver. If you would like to test the project before PR you can run python3 -m unittest test_project/test.py. This will test the endpoints.

If you would like to contribute to the code you MUST write a test for any new endpoints or functionality.


We offer an OpenAPI for those who would like to use our service in their own services (see no need to re-host, we offer an OPEN API!!!). You can find documentation on that below:



Copyright 2019 Max Bridgland