
A Minecraft GunGame Minigame plugin is a modification that can be added to Minecraft servers to create a GunGame Minigame. In this game mode, players start with a basic weapon and upgrade to better ones with each kill. The Gommehd server is known for its fast-paced and intense GunGame Minigame.

Primary LanguageKotlinApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


A Minecraft GunGame Minigame plugin is a modification that can be added to Minecraft servers to create a GunGame Minigame. In this game mode, players start with a basic weapon and upgrade to better ones with each kill. The Gommehd server is known for its fast-paced and intense GunGame Minigame.


  • Requires PlaceholderAPI for use to sending messages
  • Spawn protect
  • Custom kill and death event (commands and sound)
  • Custom messages
  • Custom tier items
  • MySQL and MariaDB Database
  • And more


  • /gungame buildmode - Toggle buildmode
  • /gungame reload - Reload plugin
  • /gungame setpos1 - Set arena's pos 1
  • /gungame setpos2 - Set arena's pos 2
  • /gungame setspawn - Set arena's spawn


  • /gungame buildmode - gungame.buildmode
  • /gungame reload - gungame.reload
  • /gungame setpos1 - gungame.setpos1
  • /gungame setpos2 - gungame.setpos2
  • /gungame setspawn - gungame.setspawn