Spying API Documentation (v1)

This document provides a comprehensive guide to the Spying API, detailing its functionalities and how to interact with it.

Getting Started

This API uses JSON for both request and response bodies. It requires Basic Auth for authentication (details in the Security section).

Base URL:


The Spying API utilizes Basic Authentication for access control. You will need to provide a username and password in the authorization header of your requests.

Data Endpoints

  • GET /data/: Retrieves a list of data objects.
    • Response: Array of Data objects (see Data Model definition).
  • POST /data/: Creates a new data object.
    • Request Body: JSON object representing the new Data object (see Data Model definition).
    • Response: The created Data object.
  • GET /data/{id}/: Retrieves a specific data object by its ID.
    • Path Parameter: id (integer) - Unique identifier of the data object.
    • Response: The Data object with the corresponding ID.
  • PUT /data/{id}/: Updates a data object completely.
    • Path Parameter: id (integer) - Unique identifier of the data object.
    • Request Body: JSON object representing the updated Data object (see Data Model definition).
    • Response: The updated Data object.
  • PATCH /data/{id}/: Updates a data object partially.
    • Path Parameter: id (integer) - Unique identifier of the data object.
    • Request Body: JSON object containing the properties to be updated (see Data Model definition).
    • Response: The updated Data object.
  • DELETE /data/{id}/: Deletes a data object.
    • Path Parameter: id (integer) - Unique identifier of the data object to be deleted.
    • Response: No content (status code 204).

GPS Endpoints

  • GET /gps/: Retrieves a list of GPS points.
    • Optional Query Parameter: ordering (string) - Field to use for ordering results (e.g., "latitude", "longitude").
    • Response: Array of GpsPoint objects (see GPS Point Model definition).
  • POST /gps/: Creates a new GPS point.
    • Request Body: JSON object representing the new GpsPoint object (see GPS Point Model definition).
    • Response: The created GpsPoint object.
  • GET /gps/{id}/: Retrieves a specific GPS point by its ID.
    • Path Parameter: id (integer) - Unique identifier of the GPS point.
    • Response: The GpsPoint object with the corresponding ID.
  • PUT /gps/{id}/: Updates a GPS point completely.
    • Path Parameter: id (integer) - Unique identifier of the GPS point.
    • Request Body: JSON object representing the updated GpsPoint object (see GPS Point Model definition).
    • Response: The updated GpsPoint object.
  • PATCH /gps/{id}/: Updates a GPS point partially.
    • Path Parameter: id (integer) - Unique identifier of the GPS point.
    • Request Body: JSON object containing the properties to be updated (see GPS Point Model definition).
    • Response: The updated GpsPoint object.
  • DELETE /gps/{id}/: Deletes a GPS point.
    • Path Parameter: id (integer) - Unique identifier of the GPS point to be deleted.
    • Response: No content (status code 204).

Data Model

  • id (integer, read-only): Unique identifier of the data object.
  • cid (integer, nullable): An optional integer value associated with the data.
  • message (string, max length 900, nullable): A message string associated with the data, with a maximum length of 900 characters.

GPS Point Model

  • id (integer, read-only): Unique identifier of the GPS point.
  • latitude (string, decimal format): Latitude coordinate of the GPS point.
  • longitude (string, decimal format): Longitude coordinate of the GPS point.
  • timestamp (string, date-time format, nullable): Optional timestamp associated with the GPS point.

Additional Notes

  • This API documentation is intended to provide a clear and comprehensive overview of the available functionalities.
  • Consider including code samples for common use cases to further enhance developer experience.
  • Error handling and specific