
a multi-purpouse discord bot built with discord.py and passion :)

Primary LanguagePython

🤖 Beshoo Bot

Beshoo is a multi-purpouse discord bot built with discord.py

The goal of the bot was simply to learn more about how to work with requests, APIs and python in general.


  • Fully modular
    • Easily remove/add any command by deleting/creating the cog or the command from run.py
  • Admin commands like kick, ban and mute.
  • Voice channel commands to play any youtube video.
  • AI-powered image utilities like bgremove and face that work on any picture.
  • fun commands like meme, quote, dog, cat and many more!
  • Utility commands like weather, def.


to invite the bot to your server use the button below


Want to make the bot your own? follow these steps


requirments: Python 3.7+


git clone https://github.com/M7mdisk/beshoo-bot.git
cd beshoo-bot

install the dependencies

pip install -r requirments.txt

or if you want to use a virtual environment

pipenv install

Rename the .env.example file to .env and replace the Xs by your tokens.

Finally, run the bot.

python3 run.py

and you're good to go!


  • coming soon.


  • !help [command] Displays the help message. ¯_(ツ)_/¯.

Image proccessing

  • !face Detect faces in the picture and give further info about them .
  • !bgremove Remove Background from image!


  • !meme Generate Random memes..
  • !def <word> Defines any word you type..
  • !advice Generate random lief advice.
  • !echo [args...] Reapeat whatever you type after !echo.
  • !annoy [user] [num=10] Annoy Whoever you mention, ecept the Ebic owner of the bot.
  • !server Display basic server info.
  • ![weather|طقس] <city> [lang=en] Shows the weather of the Country you entered.
  • !ping Check the bot's ping.
  • !avatar [avamember] Show the users Avatar.
  • !slap [members]... [reason=no reason] Slap any user you want to punish :3.
  • !cat Generate random cat images/gif.
  • !dog Generate random dog images/gif.

Tic Tac Toe

  • !tictactoe <p1> <p2> Starts a game between two users.
  • !place <pos> Place a mark on the playing table.
  • !endgame End the game before it finishs.


  • !join Join the voice channel.
  • !play <url> Download the URL and play the music.
  • !leave Leave the voice channel.


  • !kick [user] [reason] Kick user.
  • !ban [user] [reason] ban user.
  • !mute [user] [time] mute user for a period of time.
  • !clear [amount=10] Clear number of messages in a channel.
  • !dm <@user> [content] Sends a message to a user in his DMs through the bot


Please feel free to do a PR and we would be happy to check it out! there is no template but prefereably you should add the command to the correct cog or create a new one if it fits