
Build Desktop Applications with React and Electron

Primary LanguageJavaScript


sidenote: still working on a cool logo

What is Reactron?

Reactron is the starting point for your new desktop application.

Why would I need this?

It will save you the time of mixing together Electron and React and you can start coding your dekstop application in matter of seconds.

How do I get started with Reactron?

It's quite simple, just do the following:

  1. git clone https://github.com/alexvcasillas/reactron.git && cd reactron
  2. yarn sidenote: electron-bundler works better with yarnpkg than npm
  3. yarn start
  4. Develop you application
  5. yarn run parcel-production
  6. yarn run pack


The development is easy, you will code you application with React from the entry point located at /src. Your application should be located there so Parcel knows where to start building things for you.

You won't need to configure enything since Parcel will do all of this for you. Zero conf React development with everything you need.

You may have noticed that there are two html files at the root of your project. The html file named index.html is your development entry point for Parcel, you can add here whatever you need for development.


When it comes to production is also very easy. First you will se a config.js file at the root of your application that contains the following structure:

const environment = 'DEVELOPMENT';

module.exports = {

Simply replace the DEVELOPMENT literal with the PRODUCTION literal and keep reading the next paragraph.

After that small change, you need to execute the command yarn run parcel-production to let parcel do all the bundling and optimizations that should be needed and then just execute yarn run package to bundle your electron app.


  • Find a way to remove the need of two html files.


Contributions are always welcome, if you find something that could be improved and would make a difference, go ahead, open an issue then PR your proposals. I'll be glad to check it with you and add it to the codebase.