
hw00-HamsterradYC created by GitHub Classroom

Review Assignment Due Date

MACS 30111 hw01

About Me

Hi Hi Hi !!! 😄 😄 😄

I’m Yuxuan Cai

Urban Informatic researcher Landscape Architecture and Urban Designer RTS Game Enthusiast

My Image


  • ⌨️2023-2025: MACSS University of Chicago
  • 🏠 2022-2023: March UC Berkeley
  • 🌳 2015-2019: Environmental Design Wuhan Polytechnic University Yuxuan Cai is a first year master student in MACSS at the University of Chicago.He has a diverse background in environmental design, landscape design, urban design, and architectural design, and has received awards from the American Society of Landscape Architects, IFLA, and WLA. His recent research focuses on urban data and exploring characteristics and different elements relationship of urban dynamic system using computer technology.


Welcome to my personal website(It's still under construction): (https://yuxuancai.com)


  • Repository Setup: Accept assignment links from GitHub.
  • Clone the Repository:use git clone to get the file to my personal PC.
  • Work on Assignment: Download extention tool 'Markdown Preview Enhanced', give me a window for real-time preview effect, easy to modify.Then refer the syntax of markdown to complete the content.(I uploaded the image use local path(D:\data\macss\MACS30111\HamsterradYC\me.jpg) but it never showed up 🤔) This link work(.\me.jpg\me.jpg) work in preview tool but stil not work in github:thinking: :thinking: :thinking: _ try to follow https://blog.csdn.net/m0_46109609/article/details/109428244 modify DNS and hosts_ it worked when I use github absolute path link https://github.com/MACS-30111-23/hw00-HamsterradYC/blob/main/me.jpg
  • Commit Changes: Use ''git add'' to stage the changes then use ''git commit'' to commit the changes with a descriptive commit message.
  • Push Changes to GitHub: Use git push to upload my committed changes to the GitHub repository.
  • Upload to Gradescope.

Edit this README file to include a brief biography of yourself. Your README should include the following elements:

  • Headers (one or more)
  • Emphasis (italics or/and bold)
  • Lists
  • Images: add a picture (of yourself or something else) to your repo and embed it in your README
  • Links
  • A summary and reflection of the Git/GitHub workflow you adopted for this homework, and of your experience with Markdown (e.g., provide a summary of the workflow you adopted, and add some comments about something new you learned, something that surprised you, etc.)

📚 Resources