A lightweight PHP wrapper for the Amazon SNS API

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT


Latest Stable Version PHP from Packagist

This API wrapper is a lightweight alternative to the official Amazon aws-sdk-for-php for access to Amazon SNS (Simple Notification Service) using PHP

Find out more about Amazon SNS here - http://aws.amazon.com/sns

To use this wrapper you must be using PHP5 with cURL, and have an Amazon AWS account

Basic Use

Install using Composer on the command line:

$ composer require chrisbarr/amazon-sns-php-api

Or add it to your composer.json file:

	"require": {
		"chrisbarr/amazon-sns-php-api": "~1.0"

Example usage:

require 'vendor/autoload.php';

// Create an instance

// Create a Topic
$topicArn = $AmazonSNS->createTopic('My New SNS Topic');

// Set the Topic's Display Name (required)
$AmazonSNS->setTopicAttributes($topicArn, 'DisplayName', 'My SNS Topic Display Name');

// Subscribe to this topic
$AmazonSNS->subscribe($topicArn, 'email', 'example@github.com');

// And send a message to subscribers of this topic
$AmazonSNS->publish($topicArn, 'Hello, world!');

API Methods

Available methods:

  • addPermission($topicArn, $label, $permissions)
  • confirmSubscription($topicArn, $token)
  • createTopic($name)
  • deleteTopic($topicArn)
  • getTopicAttributes($topicArn)
  • listSubscriptions()
  • listSubscriptionsByTopic($topicArn)
  • listTopics()
  • publish($topicArn, $message, $subject, $messageStructure)
  • removePermission($topicArn, $label)
  • setTopicAttributes($topicArn, $attrName, $attrValue)
  • subscribe($topicArn, $protocol, $endpoint)
  • unsubscribe($subscriptionArn)
  • createPlatformEndpoint($platformApplicationArn, $token, $userData)
  • deleteEndpoint($deviceArn)
  • publishToEndpoint($deviceArn,$message)

To set the API region (us-east-1, us-west-2, us-west-1, eu-west-1, etc):

  • setRegion($region)

The default API region is us-east-1

Further Example

Make sure to catch Exceptions where necessary:

require 'vendor/autoload.php';


try {
	$topics = $AmazonSNS->listTopics();
catch(SNSException $e) {
	// Amazon SNS returned an error
	echo 'SNS returned the error "' . $e->getMessage() . '" and code ' . $e->getCode();
catch(APIException $e) {
	// Problem with the API
	echo 'There was an unknown problem with the API, returned code ' . $e->getCode();