Learn Guild Wars 2 Rotations to the Beat!
This Blish module will add a window that can play Guild Wars 2 skill rotations as "songs" in a rhythm game.
The module comes pre-loaded with a variety of songs already, and users can add more or even create their own using just arcdps logs.
Download and install Blish
In Blish, select Module Repo and find Dance Dance Rotation. Click Install
It should now appear under Manage Modules in Blish. Make sure Enable Module is selected here.
Once enabled, DanceDanceRotation will show up under in the Blish window under modules and include a variety of settings. Make sure all Ability Hotkeys are set and match the ones in game.
(Mouse Keys can not be bound in Blish at this time)
Module settings are accessed from the main Blish window. Select the Manage Modules section, then find Dance Dance Rotation and it should load them in the main window.
This setting determines the direction notes move. You can use:
Horizontal (Right to Left / Left to Right)
Vertical (Top to Bottom / Bottom to Top)
Ability Bar
(The intention for this one is to resize it and overlay it over your actual ability bar)
Sets the transparency of the main window.
If enabled, the Weapon 1 ability will automatically be hit in the module, even if you don't hit the hotkey for it, which is what happens if Weapon 1 is set to auto cast (which it generally should be). Some skills, like Mirage Ambushes, still must be pressed because the game does not auto cast them.
When enabled, the Weapon 1 notes that will be auto pressed will not show a hotkey text and the icon will be smaller.
If enabled, the module will load the actual ability icon and display that as a note. If this is too cluttered for you, you can disable it to display generic icons for all notes:
If enabled, the hotkey set in the module's setting will be overlaid on top of the note.
If enabled, the Song List will only show songs of the loaded character's profession
This setting will place the next X ability icons that need to be pressed in its own section. It does not move like standard notes. Use the slider to select how many abilities to show.
Each song has additional settings that can be adjusted for just that song. You can enter this by clicking on the name of the song in the main window, or pressing the gear icon.
To slow down the song, open the song details window and find the "Practice Settings" section. Setting this slider allows changing the playback rate, speed of the notes (animation speed), and the start time.
Note Speed: How fast the notes spawn, so adjusting this down will slow down how fast you have to press the keys. 100% is performing the rotation at max speed.
Note Pace: Determines how fast the notes move. This will cause more/less notes to appear in the module at one time. It does not affect how fast you have to press keys.
Start At: Sets the song to start the first note at a specific time. Good for practicing the main rotation, rather than always having to start on the opener.
If you prefer having utilities in different slots than those used by the song, you can remap them. Click on the name of the song in the main window to bring up the Song Info page. Under here is the section "Remap Utility Skills". By default, this will show the utilities skills used in the positions defined in the build of song. If yours are different, click on the arrow circle icon, which should shift the utility skills displayed. Keep clicking the icon until the utility skills in the Song Info window match your utility skills.
Currently, remapping Revenant utility skills is not supported.
You can create your own songs using the Dance Dance Rotation Composer
This requires recording a golem rotation and uploading it to dps.report. Include the link to the report, and the exact build template code used when performing the rotation. The tool will attempt to construct a song given this info, but it is not perfect because arcdps can not record everything (pre cast skills and some instant cast things may not be caught).
Using the tool will give you .json for the song. This can then be imported into the module in two ways:
- Copy the .json for the song to your clipboard.
- Select the list icon on the DDR main window.
- Select Add from Clipboard
A notification text should display saying it was added successfully. If this fails, the JSON may be malformed.
- Open the Blish settings
- Select DanceDanceRotation module
- Select the Gear icon in the top right and select "Open songs"
- Place all .json files in the customSongs folder.
- The song list should automatically populate with them if they're valid.
Module created by Shooper.7129 Big thanks to Falson.5284 and xRemainNameless.3842 for feedback and help with creating the song generation tool.
Initial Songs Rotation Credits
Licensed under the MIT License