
yet another C strings library

Primary LanguageC


yet another C strings library


1)This library is written in C17, tested on Arch Linux with gcc 13.2.1
2)every functions returns SL_FAIL if something went wrong, so you should check the return value before
doing anything else. Also it's safe, so you don't need to check your strings(if they are NULL pointers),
because every function checks passed pointers.


#define SL_FAIL -1
#define SL_OK   0

typedef struct
	char* buffer;
	size_t len;

//init memory for str's buffer with passed len
int sl_init(string_t* str, size_t len);

//replace str's buffer with passed val from beginning
int sl_rep(string_t* str, char* val);

//replace str's buffer with passed val starting from nth element
int sl_repn(string_t* str, char* val, size_t n);

//fill str's buffer with passed character from bginning
int sl_fill(string_t* str, char ch);

//fill str's buffer with passed character starting from nth element
int sl_filln(string_t* str, char ch, size_t n);

//free str's buffer's memory
void sl_free(string_t* str);

//return 0 if a == b
int sl_eq(string_t* a, string_t* b);

//append a string to b string
int sl_cat(string_t* a, string_t* b);

//copies source[begin;end) to dest. dest will be overwritten
int sl_slice(string_t* source, string_t* dest, size_t begin, size_t end);

//returns the start position of character in str, -2 if not found, SL_FAIL if fails
int sl_findch(string_t* str, char ch);

//returns the start position of substring in str, -2 if not found, SL_FAIL if fails
int sl_findstr(string_t* str, string_t* sub);
int sl_findcstr(string_t* str, char* sub);

//split string by size into array of equal chunks. Returns NULL if fails
string_t** sl_split_by_size(string_t* str, size_t n, size_t* chunks_number);

//return number of counter characters or  SL_FAIL
int sl_count(string_t* str, char ch);