Streamlinkdetect is a Objective-C framework and frontend for streamlink. It allows detection information to be parsed and then launch streamline with the arguments, stream url and stream.
- You will need Xcode 8 or later to build this project
- Clone the repo
- Type xcodebuild to build the project
- Copy the framework to your XCode Project
- Add this to the header file.
#import <streamlinkdetect/streamlinkdetect.h>
To use, simply do the following:
// Create a new instance of streamlinkdetector
streamlinkdetector * detector = [streamlinkdetector new];
// Setting the parameters
[detector setStreamURL:@“”];
[detector setStream:@“360p”];
// Loads parsed information about a stream
if ([detector getDetectionInfo]){
NSLog(@“%@“,[detector getdetectinfo]);
// Starts the stream
if (![detector getStreamStatus]){
[detector startStream];
// Stops the stream
if ([detector getStreamStatus]){
[detector stopStream];
Documentation can be viewed here
Stramlinkdetect is licensed under GNU Public License version 3.