

AI project implementing A* algorithm to find the best path of a maze. Starting with player 1 solving the maze and trying to solve the optimal path. Then player 2 comes to find a better path than the first player for the optimal solution. After both are done, now the AI comes over to handle who won! Applying A* on the maze and showing them how to game is played correctly like a boss. And finally, the player who was close to the best optimal path wins!!

How to play


  1. First download the repo or clone it.

  2. run the command

pip install -r requirements.txt 
  1. Run the file mainpage
  2. Click Play 1 VS 1


arrows keys for movement and x for removing unwanted path.

press Enter ↵ to end your turn and allow the other player to start his journey.

After the players have played the AI will show them what is the best path. Close the window to see who WON!!

Generating a maze

  • Open the file named developermode.py And go to line 225 where run_id = 4 is located and increase the number by 1 to become run_id = 5

  • Then to get the map to be detected by the randmoizer Go the the file 'TEST6FORMINUE.PY' in line 223 where maze_id = random.randint(1, 4) is located and change it to be maze_id = random.randint(1, 5)

Now click on Generate a Maze (Developer Mode) in the MainPage You will be given a window with a small grid. The first click is the Orange start initial point. Then the turquoise square is the end goal point. Now just draw the walls and barrier you want for your maze. When you are satisfied and finished click on C. And that's it :D
