
🐈 Adaptation of PET CLINIC application for WORKSHOP πŸ•

Primary LanguageJava

Workshop 🐈 Spring PetClinic Reactive πŸ•

Gitpod ready-to-code License Apache2 Discord

120 minutes (Live workshop) 50 minutes (self-paced), Intermediate, Start Building


This sample is a fully reactive version of the Spring PetClinic application using Spring WebFlux

πŸ“‹ Table of contents

  1. Objectives
  2. Frequently asked questions
  3. Materials for the Session
  4. Create your Database
  5. Create your Schema
  6. Create your Token
  7. Start Gitpod and setup your application
  8. Working with Cassandra Drivers
  9. Working with Spring Data
  10. Working with Spring WebFlux
  11. Working with Angular UI
  12. Homeworks

1. Objectives

  • Learn how Apache Cassandra data modelling is different from relational
  • Understand how Java Applications connect to Apache Cassandraβ„’
  • Learn about Spring and Spring Boot Microservices
  • Understand what are the benefits of Reactive Programming
  • Get a working full stack application Spring Boot-Data-Reactive including a Node.js application for populating data

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2. Frequently asked questions

1️⃣ Can I run this workshop on my computer?

There is nothing preventing you from running the workshop on your own machine, If you do so, you will need the following

  1. git installed on your local system
  2. JDK 8+ installed on your local system
  3. Maven 3.6+ installed on your local system
  4. Node 15 and npm 7 or later

In this readme, we try to provide instructions for local development as well - but keep in mind that the main focus is development on Gitpod, hence We can't guarantee live support about local development in order to keep on track with the schedule. However, we will do our best to give you the info you need to succeed.

2️⃣ What other prerequisites are required?
  • You will need a GitHub account
  • You will also need an Astra account: don't worry, we'll work through that in the following

3️⃣ Do I need to pay for anything for this workshop?
No. All tools and services we provide here are FREE.

4️⃣ Will I get a certificate if I attend this workshop?
Attending the session is not enough. You need to complete the homeworks detailed below and you will get a nice badge.

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3. Materials for the Session

It doesn't matter if you join our workshop live or you prefer to work at your own pace, we have you covered. In this repository, you'll find everything you need for this workshop:

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4. Create Astra DB Instance

ASTRA DB is the simplest way to run Cassandra with zero operations at all - just push the button and get your cluster. No credit card required, $25.00 USD credit every month, roughly 20M read/write operations, 80GB storage monthly - sufficient to run small production workloads.

βœ… 4a. Register

If you do have an account yet register and sign In to Astra DB this is FREE and NO CREDIT CARD asked. https://astra.datastax.com: You can use your Github, Google accounts or register with an email.

Make sure to chose a password with minimum 8 characters, containing upper and lowercase letters, at least one number and special character

βœ… 4b. Create a "FREE" plan

Follow this guide, to set up a pay as you go database with a free $25 monthly credit. You will find below recommended values to enter:

  • For the database name - workshops

  • For the keyspace name - spring_petclinic

You can technically use whatever you want and update the code to reflect the keyspace. This is really to get you on a happy path for the first run.

  • For provider and region: Choose a provider (GCP, Azure or AWS) and then the related region is where your database will reside physically (choose one close to you or your users).

  • Create the database. Review all the fields to make sure they are as shown, and click the Create Database button.

You will see your new database pending in the Dashboard.


The status will change to Active when the database is ready, this will only take 2-3 minutes. You will also receive an email when it is ready.

πŸ‘οΈ Walkthrough

The Walkthrough mentions the wrong keyspace, make sure to use spring_petclinic


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5. Create your schema with CQL Console

βœ… 5a. Select keyspace in CQL Console

As seen in the slides on the contrary of relational you start with the request and data model BEFORE CODING.

Let's start with the CQL console for the database as whown below.


Next, let's create the tables. In the CQL console use the command:

use spring_petclinic;


βœ… 5b. Create tables

Following is the data model we are looking for with 6 tables.

Pet Clinic Welcome Screen

Execute the following in the cql console

DROP INDEX IF EXISTS petclinic_idx_vetname;
DROP INDEX IF EXISTS petclinic_idx_ownername;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS petclinic_vet;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS petclinic_vet_by_specialty;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS petclinic_reference_lists;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS petclinic_owner;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS petclinic_pet_by_owner;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS petclinic_visit_by_pet;

  id          uuid,
  first_name  text,
  last_name   text,
  specialties set<text>,
  PRIMARY KEY ((id))

CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS petclinic_vet_by_specialty (
 specialty   text,
 vet_id      uuid,
 first_name  text,
 last_name   text,
 PRIMARY KEY ((specialty), vet_id)

CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS petclinic_owner (
  id         uuid,
  first_name text,
  last_name  text,
  address    text,
  city       text,
  telephone  text,
  PRIMARY KEY ((id))

CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS petclinic_pet_by_owner (
  owner_id   uuid,
  pet_id     uuid,
  pet_type   text,
  name       text,
  birth_date date,
  PRIMARY KEY ((owner_id), pet_id)

CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS petclinic_visit_by_pet (
   pet_id      uuid,
   visit_id    uuid,
   visit_date  date,
   description text,
   PRIMARY KEY ((pet_id), visit_id)

CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS petclinic_reference_lists (
  list_name text,
  values set<text>,
  PRIMARY KEY ((list_name))

/** We could search veterinarians by their names. */
CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS petclinic_idx_ownername ON petclinic_owner(last_name);
/** We could search vet by their names. */
CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS petclinic_idx_vetname ON petclinic_vet(last_name);

βœ… 5c. Check our 6 tables

describe tables;

βœ… 5d. Insert Reference Data

INSERT INTO petclinic_reference_lists(list_name, values) 
VALUES ('pet_type ', {'bird', 'cat', 'dog', 'lizard','hamster','snake'});

INSERT INTO petclinic_reference_lists(list_name, values) 
VALUES ('vet_specialty', {'radiology', 'dentistry', 'surgery'});

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6. Create Astra Token

To connect to the database from Java code we need some credentials, this is what we are going to do here.

βœ… 6a. Generate Token

Following the Manage Application Tokens docs create a token with Database Admnistrator roles.

  • Go the Organization Settings

  • Go to Token Management

  • Pick the role Database Admnistrator on the select box

  • Click Generate token

πŸ‘οΈ Walkthrough


This is what the token page looks like. You can now download the values as a CSV. We will need those values but you can also keep this window open for use later.


Notice the clipboard icon at the end of each value.

  • clientId: We will use it as a username to contact to the Cassandra database

  • clientSecret: We will use it as a password to contact to the Cassandra database

  • appToken: We will use it as a api token Key to interact with APIs.

βœ… 6b. Copy your token in your clipboard

To know more about roles of each token you can have a look to this video.

Note: Make sure you don't close the window accidentally or otherwise - if you close this window before you copy the values, the application token is lost forever. They won't be available later for security reasons.

We are now set with the database and credentials. Let's start coding with Spring !

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7. Start Gitpod and Setup your application

βœ… 7a. Open Gitpod

Click the button below it should route you to your workspace: https://gitpod.io/#https://github.com/datastaxdevs/workshop-spring-reactive.

Open in Gitpod

When you first launch gitpod, it builds the image. image

Gitpod pulls the image. image

πŸ“˜ Home Screen

This is the home Screen. It is a VSCode instance in the cloud. As you can see, notice multiple panels are open with 2 terminals, the readme and the explorer. image

πŸ“˜ How to open a new terminal

You can open a new terminal from the menu in the ellipsis in the top left hand corner. Then use the Switch terminal panel to move from one to another. image

βœ… 7b. Know your gitpod

  • πŸ“˜ All tools are installed

Gitpod provides everything you need to work with JAVA, Node.JS (but also python, docker and many more). Open a new TERMINAL and enter the following command.


Some browsers might block the CTRL+C and CRTL+V if that happen you can paste with right-click and paste.

The first time you paste something in Gitpod your might have a pop-up telling you to accept the command

  • Check Java Version
java --version

πŸ–₯️ Expected output

Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Xmx2576m
openjdk 11.0.11 2021-04-20 LTS
OpenJDK Runtime Environment Zulu11.48+21-CA (build 11.0.11+9-LTS)
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM Zulu11.48+21-CA (build 11.0.11+9-LTS, mixed mode)
  • Check Maven version
mvn -v

πŸ–₯️ Expected output

Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Xmx2576m
Apache Maven 3.8.1 (05c21c65bdfed0f71a2f2ada8b84da59348c4c5d)
Maven home: /home/gitpod/.sdkman/candidates/maven/current
Java version: 11.0.11, vendor: Azul Systems, Inc., runtime: /home/gitpod/.sdkman/candidates/java/11.0.11.fx-zulu
Default locale: en_US, platform encoding: UTF-8
OS name: "linux", version: "5.4.0-1051-gke", arch: "amd64", family: "unix"
  • Check Node version
node -v

πŸ–₯️ Expected output

  • Check NPM version
npm -v

πŸ–₯️ Expected output

  • πŸ“˜ Remote explorer

In the tutorial we will also work with the preview and the remote explorer. To switch from source explorer to remote explorer click on dekstop icon on the menu bar in the left (6th item from top).


  • πŸ“˜ Simple Browser preview

As of now nothing IS running but if you want to open a preview or a new browser use the icons as shown below.


βœ… 7c. Setup your application

Locate the File application.yaml in the folder src/main/resources, there your 3 properties that need to be updated marked with CHANGE_ME.

  • Open the file
 gp open /workspace/workshop-spring-reactive/src/main/resources/application.yml
  • Edit the lines with the CHANGE_ME to include the database properties.
# Enforce listening on port 9966
  port: 9966
# Setup your application
  application-token: <CHANGE_ME>
  database-id: <CHANGE_ME>
  database-region: <CHANGE_ME>
  keyspace: spring_petclinic
    enabled: false
  • The DatabaseID is located on the home page Pet Clinic Welcome Screen

  • The Database region (and keyspace) are located in the details page Pet Clinic Welcome Screen

  • Make sure the Token looks something like (with AstraCS: preceeding AstraCS:xxxxxxxxxxx:yyyyyyyyyyy

βœ… 7d. Validate your setup

Take a look at the code of Test01_Connectivity here we use the CqlSession and AstraClient to show some infromation regarding your Astra DB. Execute the test with:

cd /workspace/workshop-spring-reactive
mvn test -Dtest=com.datastax.workshop.petclinic.Test01_Connectivity

πŸ–₯️ Expected output

+ Your Keyspace: spring_petclinic
+ Vet Specialty: 
[dentistry, radiology, surgery]
== ASTRA ==
+ Your OrganizationID: f9460f14-9879-4ebe-83f2-48d3f3dce13c
+ Your Databases: 
workshops : id=3ed83de7-d97f-4fb6-bf9f-82e9f7eafa23, region=eu-west-1

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8. Working with Cassandra Drivers

βœ… 8a. The CqlSession

The integration to Cassandra is always implemented through the CqlSession. A first way to implement a DAO is to just use this object explicitly. Check the code at Test02_DaoWithCqlSession and run the following test:

mvn test -Dtest=com.datastax.workshop.petclinic.Test02_DaoWithCqlSession
  1. Notice how you needed to put a terminal call block() on line 21 or the program is not started.

Project Reactor is a fourth-generation reactive library, based on the Reactive Streams specification, for building non-blocking applications on the JVM. We are using the library reactor-test introducing StepVerifier to ease the coding of unit tests:

public void should_list_vet_specialies() {
  .expectNext(Set.of("dentistry", "radiology", "surgery"))

πŸ–₯️ Expected output

15:34:33.926 INFO  com.datastax.workshop.petclinic.Test02_DaoWithCqlSession : Started Test02_DaoWithCqlSession in 14.782 seconds (JVM running for 16.99)
[dentistry, radiology, surgery]
[INFO] Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 16.42 s - in com.datastax.workshop.petclinic.Test02_DaoWithCqlSession

βœ… 8b. The Driver Object Mapping Layer

We will illustrate this with the Vet in this package

  1. Define an @Entity where object attributes matches the table columns VetEntity

  2. Define an @Dao interface with only the method you want to implements VetReactiveDao

public interface VetReactiveDao {

 MappedReactiveResultSet<VetEntity> findById(@NotNull UUID vetId);

 // More methods....
  1. Define the @Mapper to explain how to create the Dao from the the Cqlsession. VetReactiveDaoMapper
public interface VetReactiveDaoMapper {
  VetReactiveDao vetDao(@DaoKeyspace CqlIdentifier keyspace);

Now execute the test to work with the DAO Test03_DaoWithDriverObjectMapping

mvn test -Dtest=com.datastax.workshop.petclinic.Test03_DaoWithDriverObjectMapping

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9. Working with Spring Data

Spring Data provides a common abstraction on top of multiple databases leveraging JPA. The quantity of code is greatly reduced by working with interfaces CrudRepository and entities.

  • Define an entity VetEntitySpring where object attributes matches the table columns. You can notice that the set of annotations is not the same as with java driver mapper.

  • Define an interface extending the ReactiveCassandraRepository named VetRepositorySpring

public interface VetRepositorySpring 
   extends ReactiveCassandraRepository<VetEntitySpring, UUID> {

βœ… 9a. Execute the unit test

Execute the test to work with the DAO Test04_DaoWithSpringData

mvn test -Dtest=com.datastax.workshop.petclinic.Test04_DaoWithSpringData

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10. Working with Spring WebFlux

Reference Documentation

The original web framework included in the Spring Framework, Spring Web MVC, was purpose-built for the Servlet API and Servlet containers. The reactive-stack web framework, Spring WebFlux, was added later in version 5.0. It is fully non-blocking, supports Reactive Streams back pressure, and runs on such servers as Netty, Undertow, and Servlet 3.1+ containers.

Both web frameworks mirror the names of their source modules (spring-webmvc and spring-webflux) and co-exist side by side in the Spring Framework. Each module is optional. Applications can use one or the other module or, in some cases, both — for example, Spring MVC controllers with the reactive WebClient.

The different DAO we created is injected into a Rest controller. (same as Spring WEB)

public class VetSpecialtyController {
 ReferenceListReactiveDao dao;

 @GetMapping(produces = APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE)
 public Mono<ResponseEntity<Set<VetSpecialty>>> getAllVetsSpecialties() {
   return refDao.findReferenceList("vet_specialty")
    .map(s -> s.map(VetSpecialty::new)

βœ… 10a. Execute the unit test

mvn test -Dtest=com.datastax.workshop.petclinic.Test05_ApiController

βœ… 10b. Start the application with Swagger UI

We also used SpringDOC to generate a Swagger UI interface. For more information check the class ApiDocumentationConfig

@Api(value="/petclinic/api/specialties", tags = {"Veterinarian Specialties Api"})
public class VetSpecialtyController {

You can now go ahead and start the application. The application is listening on port 9966 as defined in application.yaml (Please do not change this, this is what the user interface is looking for)

Start the application;

mvn spring-boot:run

Open your browser on port 9966 using the the remote explorer or entering in a new terminal.

gp preview "$(gp url 9966)"

You should find the Nice user interface:

Pet Clinic Welcome Screen

βœ… 10c. Use API

Locate the resource Veterinarian Specialties Api and method the specialities endpoint below to test the service.

GET ​/petclinic​/api​/specialties

To execute the service expand the method, locate the button [TRY IT OUT]

Pet Clinic Welcome Screen

Click [Execute], this particular method does not take any argument.

Pet Clinic Welcome Screen

You should see a response something like below.

Pet Clinic Welcome Screen 🏠 Back to Table of Contents

11. Angular User Interface

Reference Documentation

Source Code

Keep the application running on the first terminal. We need our backend. Let'us start the user interface.

βœ… 11a. Start the front end

On the terminal spring-petclinic-angular:npm navigate to the Angular application.

chunk {main} main.js, main.js.map (main) 331 kB [initial] [rendered]
chunk {polyfills} polyfills.js, polyfills.js.map (polyfills) 293 kB [initial] [rendered]
chunk {polyfills-es5} polyfills-es5.js, polyfills-es5.js.map (polyfills-es5) 463 kB [initial] [rendered]
chunk {runtime} runtime.js, runtime.js.map (runtime) 6.08 kB [entry] [rendered]
chunk {scripts} scripts.js, scripts.js.map (scripts) 411 kB [entry] [rendered]
chunk {styles} styles.js, styles.js.map (styles) 1.16 MB [initial] [rendered]
chunk {vendor} vendor.js, vendor.js.map (vendor) 6.87 MB [initial] [rendered]
** Angular Live Development Server is listening on localhost:4200, open your browser on http://localhost:4200/ **
β„Ή ο½’wdmο½£: Compiled successfully.
  • Kill the running application (the frontend must start after the backend here)
  • Start the application again
 cd /workspace/workshop-spring-reactive/spring-petclinic-angular
 npm run start

βœ… 11b. Open the user interface

Open your browser on port 4200 using the the remote explorer or entering in a new terminal.

gp preview "$(gp url 4200)"

Pet Clinic Welcome Screen

This is it for the Hands-on TODAY. The angular project is a separate project on its own and we simply reuse it as a submodule but did not code anything there.

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12. Homeworks

Don't forget to complete your assignment and get your verified skill badge! Finish and submit your homework!

  1. Complete the practice steps as described below until you have your own app running in Gitpod.

  2. Answer the technical questions in the form (We promise, it is NOT difficult if you follow the workshop).

  3. Add a funny PET TYPE in the DATABASE and take a SCREENSHOT of the running app with your data.

  4. Submit your homework here

  5. (totally optional) Challenge for 🌢️🌢️🌢️ EXTRA SPICE 🌢️🌢️🌢️. Fork the project, change the code for more repositories to use Spring Data (replacing the Java drivers) and do a pull request. πŸ‘• If the submission has a good quality we will ship a SWAG BOX for free.

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Congratulations you made it to the END.