
This Weather Dashboard application provides travelers a weather outlook of the cities that they have selected. It is built with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and also powered by jQuery and Bootstrap. In addition, it utilizes a third-party API, OpenWeatherMap, to retrieve weather data for cities. Local storage feature is also incorporated in this application so that users are able to see their search history on the browser.

Getting Started

When it runs on a browser, a search box will be displayed asking the user to make a city search. Once it is entered, the city name, the temperature, the humidity, the wind speed, and the UV index of the current date will be displayed in addition to the five-day weather forecast for that city. The search history will be stored in a local storage so that users can easily access their previous search. The UV Index is color coded to indicate whether the conditions are favorable, moderate, or severe.

Built With

Deployed Link

Design Layout

Coming soon!


Mandy Tsang


This project is licensed under the MIT License