
Basic ML api for usecases

Primary LanguagePython

Paraphrase api


  1. Make sure you have Python 3.x installed on your system.
  2. Clone this repository
  3. Change into project directory: cd <project_directory>
  4. Create a virtualenv (optional but recommended): python3 -m venv venv
  5. Activate the virtualenv On macOS and Linux: source venv/bin/activate On Windows (PowerShell): .\venv\Scripts\Activate
  6. Install the required packages from the requirements.txt file: pip install -r requirements.txt

Running the flask app

flask run

Api endpoints

Health Check

Method: GET
Description: Use this endpoint to check the health of the application.

Example api call: Alt text

Paraphrasing endpoint

Method: POST
Description: Use this endpoint to send text data for paraphrasing.

Example api call: Alt text Response

  1. For successfull prediction (Text passed in formdata)
    "paraphrased_text": "I am from India and currently live in Banglore and am thinking of starting a company.",
    "status": 200
  1. If text not passed in formdata:
    "error_message": "No text in form_data",
    "status": 400

Grammar correction endpoint

Method: POST
Description: Use this endpoint to send text data for grammar correction.

Example api call: Alt text


  1. For successfull prediction (Text passed in formdata)
    "corrected_text": "You are going to the party, right?",
    "status": 200
  1. If text not passed in formdata:
    "error_message": "No text in form_data",
    "status": 400