
A Python Flask based web application demonstrating back-end design skills

Primary LanguageHTML

Item Catalog Project

This is the second project of Part 3, Core Curriculum, Full Stack Web Developer Nanodegree Program.

This web application is live on GameZone.

This project demonstrates my skills in developing a REST API server for a Flask web application.

The project is re-configured to be served from a Linux Ubuntu 16.04 Apache2 server, with a Postgresql database.

Table of Contents

  1. Description
  2. Installation and Test Requirements
  3. References
  4. License


This project titled GameZone displays games for certain pre-defined categories to a user. If the user is logged in, he/she can create new game data and edit their own data if needed. The app also has a user who acts as an admin with full access to perform CRUD operations on the database for improvement.

Installation and Test Requirements

NOTE: 1. Download the fullstack-nanodegree-vm from here and install the VM before proceeding further. 2. Install postgresql. For instructions on how to install postgresql look here.

Set up the project for testing:

  1. To run this project in VM environment, clone it with git clone <URL>.

  2. Run your vagrant machine with vagrant up and then vagrant ssh.

  3. Once done, open the project in your favorite IDE and install the dependencies mentioned in requirements.txt using sudo pip install <module> in your vagrant environment.

  4. cd into the project directory.

  5. Create the database with python database_setup.py

  6. Populate the database with categories and admin user by python categories.py and python demo_user.py.

  7. To run the application in your local environment, the command is python run.py.

  8. Once the server is up and running go to http://localhost:8000 from your browser to view the app.


  1. Python Documentation
  2. Google Python Style Guide
  3. PEP8
  4. Flask
  5. SQLAlchemy


The content of this repository is licensed under MIT.