
An example of right to left attack on smart contract

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Right to left override contract

Explain New Language, Same old mistake
Tutorial using Hardhat(Buidler) to complie, deploy and automated unit tests Solidity smart contract.
you can use this project for learning To run these tutorials, you must have the following installed:

$ yarn install

to compile your smart contract to get an ABI and artifact of a smart contract.

$ yarn compile

for a unit testing smart contract using the command line.

$ yarn test:guessnumber

expecting guess-number.js result.

$ npx hardhat test test/guess-number.test.js

    ✔ Guess should be failed
    1) Guess should be success
    ✔ getValue initialized contract balance
    ✔ getValue after someone guess the number

  3 passing (247ms)
  1 failing

  1) GuessTheNumber
       Guess should be success:
     AssertionError: Expected event "success" to be emitted, but it wasn't

error Command failed with exit code 1.
info Visit https://yarnpkg.com/en/docs/cli/run for documentation about this command.

after testing if you want to deploy the contract using the command line.

$ yarn rpc
$ yarn exploit