
Plugins + Themes

Primary LanguageCSS


This is the foundation of the Theme and Component driven development for the MASK Website.

The Tech Stack:

  1. Wordpress
  2. Fusion Page Builder
  3. Fusion Developer Guide
  4. FoundationPress Theme (Extract of build tasks in /assets)
  5. Fusion Base Theme


Downloads and Installation

  1. Download and install MAMP 4 or something with equivalent PHP and MySQL versions
  1. Clone https://github.com/MASK-Chicago/Mask-Development
  2. Download Wordpress and copy all folders/files EXCEPT wp-content into Mask-Development
  1. Check your MAMP preferences:
  • PHP Version 7.0.15
  • Web Server Document Root should be set to your Mask-Development folder
  1. Start MAMP.

Database Changes

  1. Open MAMP Web Start Page > Tools > phpMyAdmin
  1. Create a new database called wordpress
  2. Click on the wordpress database, then click on Import tab at the top. Import the masksite gzip file.
  • After it completes, you should see a bunch of tables in the database prefixed with wp_vqbhrd142o_
  1. Click on table wp_vqbhrd142o_options. Click on Browse tab at the top.
  2. For table entries with option_name siteurl and home , edit their option_values to be http://localhost:8888 instead of http://masksite.flywheelsites.com

Wordpress Instance

  1. Go to http://localhost:8888/wp-admin/
  2. Select English as language of choice
  3. Enter the following for database information:
  • Database name: wordpress
  • Database username: root
  • Database password: root
  • Database host: localhost
  • Table prefix: wp_vqbhrd142o_
  1. Finish up and login with the mask admin credentials.
  2. Install all Fusion plugins. Install "Button With Secondary" instead of "Button".



  1. Regularly export data from Flywheel so that dev instance has an up-to-date copy of pages/posts/components/etc.
  2. Updates to CSS and JS should be done in /fusion-base.

Build & Deploy Themes

  1. Package up the theme by executing 'npm run package' from /fusion-base.
  2. This will create a zip file (foundationpress_[date]-[time].zip) in /fusion-base/packaged
  3. Upload the zip file into WP Themes.

Build & Deploy Plugins

  1. TBD