
Basic scene loader with support for loading screens for Godot 4.

Primary LanguageGDScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Godot Scene Loader

Basic scene loader for Godot 4 with support for loading screens.


  • Scene Loader singleton
  • Default loading screen
  • Support for custom loading screens
  • Support for global dictionary with scenes, so you don't have to use paths

Configuring the extension

Note: It is best to set the configuration at the beginning of the program, for example, in the main menu, or in another master scene.

You can configure the extension via the set_configuration(config: Dictionary) function.

You can configure the following options:


Accepts dictionary storing aliases to scenes in the form of name-path, for example:

	"scene1": "res://example/scenes/scene1/Scene1.tscn",
	"scene2": "res://example/scenes/scene2/Scene2.tscn",
	"main_menu": "res://example/MainMenu.tscn"

That way you don't have to use paths and when the path changes you just have to change it in one place.


The path to the progress bar in the loading screen, if you pass it, the progress bar will be updated with the current loading status.


If you don't want to use the default built-in loading screen, you can create your own and pass the path to it in the configuration.

You can find more information here

Creating custom loading screen

The custom loading screen must always call the safe_to_load signal because SceneLoader will wait to load the scene until this signal is transmitted.

With this signal, you can start loading a new scene only when the game is ready for it (for example, when the loading screen manages to appear and cover everything).

In addition, your loading screen must include the loading_finished signal. This signal will be called by the extension when the scene is loaded, so you know when to hide the loading screen or when to perform other actions.


To switch between scenes using the loading screen, just use the SceneLoder.load_scene() function.

The first argument will be the reference to the scene you want to unload, while the second argument can be the alias of the scene, or the path to it, for example:

// Using alias
SceneLoader.load_scene(self, "scene1");
// Using path
SceneLoader.load_scene(self, "res://example/scenes/scene1/Scene1.tscn");

Debugging via VSCode

The extension has a ready-made configuration for debugging the project via VSCode, all you need to do is in the launch.json file in program to pass the correct path to the Godot executable file. After that, all you have to do is press F5 to launch the entire project.

You can also use this to launch your entire project.

This will only work for pure projects in GDScript.

Debugging C# projects

If you want to debug projects written with C# you need to create a tasks.json file in the .vscode folder.

The file should look like this:

	"version": "2.0.0",
	"tasks": [
			"type": "dotnet",
			"task": "build",
			"problemMatcher": ["$msCompile"],
			"group": {
				"kind": "build",
				"isDefault": true
			"label": "build"

You also need to slightly change the launch.json file. Just add "preLaunchTask": "build", to the configuration.


Licensed under MIT license.