
mast30034-project-1-senturner created by GitHub Classroom

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

MAST30034 Project 1 README.md

  • Name: Sen Turner
  • Student ID: 1168692

Research Goal: My research goal is to analyse how driver's average fare and number of available trips changes based on certain conditions

Timeline: The timeline for the research area is February 2019 - January 2020.

To run the pipeline, please visit the scripts and notebooks directories and run the files in this order:

  1. weather_scraper.py: This downloads the weather data into the data/raw directory. <- Script taken from https://github.com/Karlheinzniebuhr/the-weather-scraper
  2. preprocessing_notebook_part_1.ipynb: This notebook downloads the raw High Volume FHV data and outputs it to the data/raw directory.
  3. preprocessing_notebook_part_2.ipynb: This notebook details all the pre-processing and aggregating steps to produce one large dataset, including outlier detection and removal. Then outputs the dataset to the data/curated directory.
  4. data_analysis_average_fare.ipynb: This notebook performs analysis on how average fare is impacted by pickup location, hour of the day, day of the week and weather
  5. data_analysis_trips.ipynb: This notebook performs analysis on how number of trips is impacted by pickup location, hour of the day, day of the week and weather
  6. model_num_trips_nn.ipynb followed by model_avg_pay_nn: These notebooks train and test a neural network to predict the number of trips and average driver pay in any given hour, outputting predictions and true values of the test set to data/curated directory
  7. model_num_trips_rf.ipynb followed by model_avg_pay_rf: These notebooks train and test a random forest classifier to predict the number of trips and average driver pay in any given hour, outputting predictions to data/curated directory
  8. model_analysis.ipynb: This notebook is used to create visualisations comparing performance of the models