
Wrapper for ntpdate(8).


settime0 is a wrapper for ntpdate(8). A symlink named settime pointing to the most recent version of settime should be placed in a directory that is in the PATH.


- Set the default options
- Read the config file
- Choose the sites to query
- Build the initial list
- Remove any unwanted sites from the list (I need to change this from removing specifically Microsoft sites to removing sites that math a particular RegEx.
- Choose the NRC sites (I need to change this from choosing specifically NRC sites to choosing sites that match a particular RegEx.
- Choose the least often picked (inverse weighted random)
    - read each candidate's 'pick' stats
    - inverse the ticket quantities
        - if anyone has a 0 weight, give everyone an additional ticket
- Choose sites with the most hits (weighted random)
    - read each candidate's 'success' stats
        - if anyone has a 0 weight, give everyone an additional ticket
- Choose sites with best hit/pick ratio (weighted random)
    - read each candidate's 'success' stats
        - if anyone has a 0 weight, give everyone an additional ticket
- Shuffle the chosen
- Simulate a success
- Update the stats
- Output the stats to screen (for testing)
- Write stats to file


* change the formula that calculates the number of tickets when reading the best hit/pick ratio to multiply by a different number (perhaps the reciprical of something...)