
New network and element modeling layer for MATPOWER.



MP-Element began as a new, generalized network and element modeling layer for MATPOWER and grew into a complete redesign and rewrite of the MATPOWER internals.

NOTE: MP-Element has been incorporated into MATPOWER 8.

As of Dec 14, 2022, all further development will be done in the main MATPOWER repository.

The components initially developed in this MP-Element repository are now included in MATPOWER and referred to as MP-Core and the legacy and flexible MATPOWER frameworks. For more information, see the Architecture Overview in the MATPOWER Developer's Manual.

The information below was relevant for MP-Element and development versions of MATPOWER prior to Dec 14, 2022.

System Requirements


Installation and use of MP-Element requires familiarity with the basic operation of MATLAB or Octave, including setting up your MATLAB/Octave path.

  1. Clone the repository or download and extract the zip file of the MP-Element distribution from the MP-Element project page to the location of your choice.

  2. Either ...

  • Move the resulting mp-element directory to the directory containing MATPOWER (must be a version that supports MP-Element), and re-run install_matpower (the directory must be named mp-element for the installer to recognize its presence),
    ... or ...

  • Add the following directories to your MATLAB/Octave path:

    • <MPELEMENT>/lib
    • <MPELEMENT>/lib/t

    where <MPELEMENT> is used to denote the path to the mp-element directory you cloned or unzipped in step 1.

  1. At the MATLAB/Octave prompt, type test_mp_element to run the test suite and verify that MP-Element is properly installed and functioning. The result should resemble the following:
  >> test_mp_element
  All tests successful (2075 of 2075)
  Elapsed time 29.94 seconds.

Getting Started

Default Behavior

With MP-Element installed, its modeling is used by default by MATPOWER's runpf, runcpf and runopf for the following:

  • DC power flow
  • DC optimal power flow
  • AC power flow for all except radial and hybrid Newton-Raphson formulations/solvers
    • a new 'FSOLVE' option based on fsolve() function is available for AC power flow
  • AC continuation power flow
  • AC OPF for solvers MIPS, fmincon, IPOPT, and Artelys Knitro, for all formulations

MP-Element modeling can be turned off in favor of the legacy MATPOWER modeling with have_feature('mp_element', 0).

Note: The MP-Opt-Model object is used for power flow and continuation power flow as well as OPF and is added as om field to power flow and CPF results struct.

New Functions

In addition to the old runpf, runcpf and runopf functions which are backward compatible when using the MP-Element modeling, there are 3 new corresponding functions, namely run_pf, run_cpf and run_opf. They are simple wrappers around a new (unfinished) function, run_mp, which does not convert the MATPOWER case struct to internal numbering before use, and will eventually provide a much more flexible environment for customization.


Given that this code is under active development, the documentation is very incomplete and sometimes missing entirely (i.e. the code is the documentation).

Technical Note

The following MATPOWER Technical Note describes some of the design of MP-Element.


MP-Element is distributed under the 3-clause BSD license.


This material is based upon work supported in part by the National Science Foundation under Grant Nos. 1642341 and 1931421. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the funding agencies.